Important! The 4.1.0 version has an issue - inability to upgrade from v.3.8.3 and below to v.4.1.0. If your current version is 3.8.3 or below, update to version 4.1.1 instead.

After updating to 4.1.0 a complete re-indexing of commit data will take place. It is recommended to schedule the update onto off-hours.

Commits from forks are now shown in global and project graphs and reports.

New in this release:

  • Commits from fork repositories are now shown in global and project graphs and reports. Only unique commits are counted. If the same commit exists both in a fork and an original repository, it is counted only once.
  • Before, all commits with unknown authors (those who committed without providing an email) from all repositories were combined and shown as contributions of one unknown author. Now, such commits are divided. Contributions of a person who provided his/her name while committing, are shown separately. Contributions of all people who didn't provide either email or their name while committing are joined on a repository level and shown as commits of an unknown author of the repository.

Fixed in this release:

  • Fixed the issue with duplicate commits and contributors. It could occur on Bitbucket Data Center. Commits could duplicate when different branches with the same commits were indexed on different nodes. Contributors could duplicate when large repositories that had the same contributors were indexed at the same time on different nodes.