Migration methodsLink to Migration methods

The Handy Macros for Confluence app supports data migration through Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant only. Import of the XML file will not migrate the Handy Macros data to Cloud.

Macro migration specificsLink to Macro migration specifics

Not all features can be migrated from Server/DC to Cloud. This page shows what macros from the Handy Macros app can be migrated from Server / Data Center to Cloud.

If you need any macro or features from the Server/DC version of Handy Macros, please drop your request at tech-support@stiltsoft.com.

Pre-migration checklistLink to Pre-migration checklist

  1. The latest version of the Handy Macros for Confluence Cloud is installed. There is no pending update.
  2. Handy Macros 3.5.2 or newer is installed on your Confluence Server / Data Center. 
  3. Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant 3.1.9 or newer is installed on your Confluence Server / Data Center.

In Handy Macros 3.5.2 we replaced atlassian-app-cloud-migration-tracker with atlassian-app-cloud-migration-listener to support app migrations so you can't migrate the app with lower versions.

Consider that Confluence Cloud page performance with many Handy Macros on it will be lower than on Data Center or Server. We recommend running a test migration in advance.