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titleManaging Free Text Filters

Table Filter for Confluence add-on is equipped with the free text filters. You can add this filter type for any column of your table. It allows you to enter text queries for filtration of data in the selected column of your table. You can also enter the regular expressions for flexible data filtration in the column. 

  1. Switch the page to edit mode.

  2. Insert the Table Filter macro either by entering {Table Filter} or by selecting it from other macros.

  3. Copy and paste the table into the macro.

  4. Select the macro and click Edit.

  5. In the Free Text Filter Columns box, select the columns for filtration with free text filters.

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  6. Save the macro.

  7. Save the page.

  8. On the filtration pane, enter the appropriate values or use regular expressions for flexible data filtration.

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Using regular expressions

You can use JavaScript-style regular expressions in free text filters. 


Regular ExpressionMatched Values
[Dd]oeDoe, doe
colo(u)?rcolor, colour
Developer|ScientistDeveloper, Scientist

Table Filter macro uses


the OR


 operator for table filtration. You can use


the AND


 operator in the free text and global filters. Enter the '&' ('ampersand') between values to match two or more values in the cell at once.

The full list of regular expressions is available here

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Free text filters allow you to use regular expressions while filtering table data. They allow you to write powerful filtration queries.

Quick Recipes with Regular Expressions

Regular ExpressionExplanationExample
\d\.\dThis query will look for two digits separated by the point (for example, '8.1', '9.5'). Entries with more than one digit after the point will be also included.

If applying the '\d\.\d' query to the Operating System column, you will get three values with 'OSx 5.7', 'cOS 7.2' and 'aOS 2.8'.

UserOperating System
MikeOSx 5.7
StewartOSx 9

cOS 7.2

AndyaOS 2.8