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titleCombining Table Filter, Pivot Table and Table Chart macros

Table Filter for Confluence add-on allows you to transform you table data in the convenient view with the combination of Table Filter, Pivot Table and Table Chart. The combination of all these macros allows you to generate the pivot table with aggregated data that can be further used for visualization and chart generation. Filtration of your table data will also lead to automatic update of the pivot table and the chart.

Table filter add-on allows you to combine the following macros for your better performance with data tables:




Combining the macros is not allowed in the new Confluence Cloud editor.

Widget Connector


Working with Table filter and Table chart macro

  1. Create or import a table with data values.
  2. Insert the Table filter macro and place the table within the macro.
  3. Configure the filtration parameters. For example, add filters by number range for the corresponding columns.
  4. Insert the Table chart macro.
  5. Place the Table filter macro with the table inside the Table chart macro.
  6. Configure parameters of the chart. For example, select the chart type as 'Column' and select the columns with row labels and data columns.
  7. Save the page.
  8. Enter the appropriate number range in the filter. Filtration will be automatically applied to the data table and the chart will be automatically updated.
  9. Change the Values column for another one, if needed.


titleClick to open the sample table...

Chart from Table


aggregationAverage Time per Call (min)
separatorPoint (.)

Table Filter
numberfilterAverage Time per Call (min),Average Time per Ticket (min),Calls per Hour


separatorPoint (.)

AgentTickets per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per HourAverage Time per Call (min)Earned Money for Support ($)
Remy Deomampo6. 875.00
Rahul Dickstein8. 270.00
Radu Donahue3. 886.00
Preston Doorey2. 237.00
Phill Doyle4. 140.00
Philip Druckman4. 249.00
Philip Duncan7. 572.00
Peter Elia6.76.14.762 944.00
Peter Erickson8. 767.00
Peter Espinosa2. 206.00
Peter Ferrero4. 625.00
Perez Figueiredo5. 399.00
Patrick Fixler5. 121.00
Patrick Flegal8. 170.00
Patino Forsyth8. 032.00
Pallavi Fox2.94.43.653 418.00
Owen Franzoni2. 364.00
Ophir Friedman6. 554.00
Obaid Friis5. 005.00
Noelle Fu3. 672.00
Noel Gambino4. 711.00
Nicole Gao2. 908.00
Nishant Gao5. 162.00
Nicole Garcia2. 227.00
Negrin Gee5. 701.00

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Image Added

Working with Table filter and Pivot table macro

  1. Create or import a table with data values.
  2. Insert the Table filter macro and place the table within the macro.
  3. Configure the filtration parameters. For example, add the filter by agent.
  4. Insert the Pivot table macro.
  5. Place the Table filter macro with the table inside the Pivot table macro.
  6. Configure parameters of the pivot table. For example, select the Agent column as row labels and the Earned Money for Support as the calculated column.
  7. Save the page.
  8. Select the appropriate agents in the filter. Filtration will be automatically applied to the data table and the pivot table will be automatically updated.
  9. Change the calculated column for another one, if needed.
titleClick to open the sample table...

Pivot Table
decimalseparatorPoint (.)
aggregationEarned Money for Support ($)
separatorSpace ( )

Table Filter
separatorPoint (.)

AgentTickets per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per HourAverage Time per Call (min)Earned Money for Support ($)
Remy Deomampo6. 875.00
Rahul Dickstein8. 270.00
Radu Donahue3. 886.00
Preston Doorey2. 237.00
Remy Deomampo4. 140.00






Rahul Dickstein4. 249.00
Radu Donahue7. 572.00
Preston Doorey6.76.14.762 944.00
Phill Doyle8. 767.00
Remy Deomampo2. 206.00
Rahul Dickstein4. 625.00
Radu Donahue5. 399.00
Preston Doorey5. 121.00
Remy Deomampo8. 170.00
Rahul Dickstein8. 032.00
Radu Donahue2.94.43.653 418.00
Preston Doorey2. 364.00
Phill Doyle6. 554.00
Remy Deomampo5. 005.00
Remy Deomampo3. 672.00
Rahul Dickstein4. 711.00
Radu Donahue2. 908.00
Preston Doorey5. 162.00
Phill Doyle2. 227.00
Philip Druckman5. 701.00

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Image Added