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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





titleManaging Dynamic Charts from Table Data

The Table Filter and Charts for Confluence add-on app allows you to visualize your table data and create dynamic charts that you can configure and update on the fly while viewing Confluence pages. You can select the column containing labels and set one or multiple columns containing number values used for chart creation. Additionally, you can select the appropriate chart or graph type ( pie, donut and 3D donut, column, bubble pie, column, bar,  lineGantt, line, area, time line and , time area and other). Optionally, you can set the decimal separator, specify the dimensions of the chart, and enable the hiding of the source table. You can modify settings of your charts and save modifications in the macro body while viewing the pageconfigure your chart according to your use case.

Table of Contents

Widget Connector

Starting from version 3.0.0 Table Filter add-on allows you to generate charts based on values from your data tables. The add-on supports the following types of charts:

Chart Parameters

These parameters determine the procedure of chart generation on Confluence page.

titleClick here to expand the available parameters of the Chart from Table macro...

ParameterDefaultCompatible withDescription
Labels ColumnNone
  • Pie
  • Donut
  • 3D Donut
  • Column (Stacked)
  • Bar (Stacked)
  • Gantt

The column containing labels for data values.

Values columnNone
  • Pie
  • Donut
  • 3D Donut
  • Column (Stacked)
  • Bar (Stacked)
  • Bubble Pie
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
  • Gantt

The column containing numerical values for chart generation.

X-axis value columnNone
  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
  • Bubble Pie
The column containing numerical values for chart generation.
Y-axis value columnNone
  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
  • Bubble Pie
The column or columns containing numerical values for chart generation.
Dates columnNone
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
You can select the column with dates for chart generation.
Date Formatyy-mm-dd
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
  • Gantt
  • Bubble Pie
You can specify the date format used in the column with dates.
TypePieGlobalYou can select the appropriate chart type.
  • Pie
  • Donut
  • Column (Stacked)
  • Bar (Stacked)
You can select the display of the chart in 3D view.
Decimal SeparatorPointGlobalYou can select the decimal separator (either point or comma).


(dependable on screen area)

GlobalYou can define the height of the generated chart.


(dependable on screen area)

GlobalYou can define the width of the generated chart.
Hide the source tableDisabledGlobalYou can hide the table with data and enable display of the chart only.
Hide chart controlsDisabledGlobalYou can hide the chart controls when you need just to display the chart without a necessity to update its view.
  • None
  • To the right of the chart
  • Under the chart
You can hide the legend for the generated chart or regulate the position for its showing.
  • Line
  • Area
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
  • Bubble Pie
You can enabled display of the grid on the generated chart.
Chart TitleDisabledGlobalYou can specify the title of the chart.
Show data labelsPercentage
  • Pie
  • Donut
  • Column
  • Bar
  • Stacked Column
  • Stacked Bar
  • Bubble Pie
You can specify the way to show data labels (none, value, percentage, value (percentage), percentage (value)).
Align chartEnabledCenterYou can define the appropriate alignment for the chart.
X-axis labelDisabledGlobalYou can specify the label for X axis of the chart.
Y-axis labelDisabledGlobalYou can specify the label for Y axis of the chart.
Minimal ValueDisabled
  • Column
  • Bar
  • Stacked Column
  • Stacked Bar
  • Gantt
  • Bubble Pie
You can specify the minimal value for showing only data values greater than the specified minimal value.
Maximal ValueDisabled
  • Column
  • Bar
  • Stacked Column
  • Stacked Bar
  • Gantt
  • Bubble Pie
You can specify the maximal value for showing only data values not greater than the specified maximal value.
Scale StepDisabled
  • Column
  • Bar
  • Stacked Column
  • Stacked Bar
  • Gantt
  • Bubble Pie
You can specify the required scale step for showing the chart.

Minimal X Value


  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
You can
  • Stacked Time Area
  • Bubble Pie
You can specify the minimal value for X axis for showing only data values greater than the specified minimal value.
Maximal X Value 

  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
  • Bubble Pie
You can specify the maximal value for X axis for showing only data values not greater than the specified maximal value.
Minimal Y Value 

  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
You can specify the minimal value for Y axis for showing only data values greater than the specified minimal value.
Maximal Y Value 

  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
You can specify the maximal value for Y axis for showing only data values not greater than the specified maximal value.
Scale X Step

  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
  • Bubble Pie

You can specify the required scale step of X axis for showing the chart.

For Time Line and Time Area charts you can specify the appropriate number of days (Xd), months (Xm) or years (Xy) where the 'X' is the digit, as follows:

  • 10d = 10 days as a scale step
  • 1m = 1 month as a scale step
  • 2y = 2 years as a scale step
Scale Y Step 

  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
You can specify the required scale step of Y axis for showing the chart.
Logarithmic scale YDisabled
  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
You can enable this option for very small or very large numeric values that cannot be properly aligned on the standard arithmetic scale.
Logarithmic scale XDisabled
  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
You can enable this option for very small or very large numeric values that cannot be properly aligned on the standard arithmetic scale.
Select colors

GlobalYou can select the appropriate colors for charts and graphs instead of using the automatically assigned colors.
Logarithmic ScaleDisabled
Line settingsSolid 1.5 px
  • Line
  • Time Line
You can select the line type (solid, dash, dot) and set its width for each line in your charts.
Logarithmic ScaleDisabled
  • Column (Stacked)
  • Bar (Stacked)
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
You can enable this option for very small or very large numeric values that cannot be properly aligned on the standard arithmetic scale.
Table Data Orientation
  • Linear
GlobalYou can define the appropriate orientation of values in your data table.Show inner labelsEnabled
  • Step
  • Natural cubic
  • Monotone X cubic
  • Monotone Y cubic
  • Cubic Catmull-Rom
  • Cubic cardinal
  • Cubic basis
  • Straightened cubic basis
  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
You can select the interpolation method for each line in your charts.
Table Data OrientationVerticalGlobalYou can define the appropriate orientation of values in your data table.
Show inner labelsEnabled
  • Pie
  • Bar
  • Column
  • Stacked Column
  • Stacked Bar
You can enable or disable display of data values (including percents) on the charts.
Legend positionRight
  • Bar
  • Column
  • Stacked Column
  • Stacked Bar
You can regulate the position of showing the legend for a specific chart. You can also hide the legend or show it below the chart.
trend line
  • Line
  • Area
  • Stacked Area
  • Time Line
  • Time Area
  • Stacked Time Area
  • Column
  • Stacked Column
  • Bar
  • Stacked Bar
You can enable display of the trend line for each label of your chart.

Inserting Chart from Table macro

There exist three ways to insert the Chart from Table macro on the page.

Days in week5GlobalYou can enter the number of business days in a week.
Hours in day8GlobalYou can enter the number of working hours in one business day.
Output formatw d h mGlobalYou can select the appropriate output format for worklog values.

Inserting Chart from Table macro

There exist three ways to insert the Chart from Table macro on the page.

Macro InsertionInstructionsSupported Data

Inserting the macro in the page view mode


You can disable the inline macro insertion on a global or individual basis.

  1. Open a page with a table.
  2. Hove over the table.
  3. Click the Create a chart from data series Image Added icon on the panel that appears to the right side of the table.

Image Added

Macro InsertionInstructionsSupported Data Inserting the macro through the action icon on the editor pane
  • Switch Confluence page to the edit mode.
  • Position the mouse pointer within the table.
    Image Removed
  • On the editor pane, click the Create a chart from table Image Removed icon.


    This option is available in Confluence Server only.


    1. Manually created and copied tables
    Manual entry of the {Chart from
    1. Macros outputting table data
    Inserting the macro through the action icon on the editor pane
    1. Switch Confluence page to the edit mode.
    2. Position the mouse pointer within the table.
      Image Added
    3. On the editor pane, click the Create a chart from table Image Added icon.

    This option is available in Confluence Server only.

    1.  Manually created and copied tables
    Manual entry of the {Chart from Table} query on the page
    1. Switch Confluence page to the edit mode.
    2. Position the mouse pointer in the appropriate place on the page.
    3. Start entering {Chart from Table}.
    4. From the prompted list of macro choices, select Chart from Table.
      Image Modified
    1. Manually created and copied tables
    2. Macros outputting table data
    Selection of the Chart from Table macro in the Select Macro form
    1. Switch Confluence page to the edit mode.
    2. Position the mouse pointer in the appropriate place on the page.
    3. On the editor pane, click Insert.
    4. In the Select Macro form, locate the Chart from Table macro and insert it on the page.
      Image Modified
    5. Place the table within the macro.
    1. Manually created and copied tables
    2. Macros outputting table data



    Selecting the chart type and data series

    1. On the Confluence page opened in the edit mode, click the Chart from Table macro.
    2. Click Edit.
    3. In the Insert/Edit Charts from Table Macro form, define parameters of the macro, as follows:
      • Labels / Dates / X-axis value column - select the appropriate column containing the required data for chart generation. The name of the parameter, as well as data type may vary for different chart types.
      • Values column - select the column containing numbering values for chart generation.
      • Type - select the type of chart to generate.
    4. Click Save.
    • For the line and area charts, you will have to select the columns with numbers through the X-axis value column and Y-axis value column dropdown boxes.
    • For the time line and time area charts, you will have to select the columns with dates through the Dates column dropdown box.



    Configuring look of the chart

    1. On the Confluence page opened in the edit mode, click the Chart from Table macro.
    2. Click Edit.
    3. Switch to the Look tab.
    4. Configure the parameters affecting the look of chart.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Save the page.

    For the details on the list of all available parameters, see this.

    To set the chart dimensions:

    1. Locate the Height and Width fields.
    2. Enter the appropriate dimensions of the chart.

    To set colors for chart elements (labels):

    1. Locate the Select colors button and click it.
    2. Select the appropriate colors for each label.

    To set the chart alignment:

    1. Locate the Align chart option.
    2. Select the appropriate chart alignment, as follows:
      • Left
      • Center
      • Right

    To show the chart legend:

    1. Locate the Legend Position option.
    2. Select the appropriate legend position, as follows:
      • None
      • Right
      • Bottom



    Adjusting chart configuration

    1. On the Confluence page opened in the edit mode, click the Chart from Table macro.
    2. Click Edit.
    3. Switch to the Adjustments tab.
    4. Adjust the parameters affecting presentation of data series.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Save the page.

    Image Removed


    1. .

    To set the date format:

    1. Locate the Date format option.
    2. Specify the correct date format for date values in the source table.

    To show the trendline:

    1. Locate and enable the Show trendline option.

    The trendline can be displayed for the line/area and date line/area charts only.

    Image Added 

    Managing Charts in the Page View Mode

    Once you have defined settings of the Table chart macro and saved the page, you get a page with the generated chart.

    To the right side of your chart, you can locate the chart management sidebar. It allows you to alternate the following parameters of Chart table macro:

    • Labels column - change the column with labels for another one. 
    • Values column - change the column with data values. The chart will be automatically re-generated. Depending on the used chart type you may select column with numerical through Values column X and Values column Y fields.
    • Dates column - change the column with dates. The chart will be automatically re-generated. This select box is shown for Time Line and Time Area charts only.
    • Type - change the chart type for another one. You may need to re-select the table columns when changing the chart type.
    • Height/Width - specify the required dimensions of the chart.
    • For the line and area charts, you will have to select the columns with numbers through the X-axis value column and Y-axis value column dropdown boxes.
    • For the time line and time area charts, you will have to select the columns with dates through the Dates column dropdown box.

    To save new parameters in the macro body:

    1. Click the Cogwheel  icon.
    2. Select Save changes.

    To export the chart:

    1. Click the Cogwheel   icon.
    2. Select  Export to PDF  or  Export to Word.

    To save the chart as image:

    1. Click the Cogwheel  icon.
    2. Select Chart as image.

    To update the colors used for charts and graphs:

    1. Click the Cogwheel  icon.
    2. Click Select colors.
    3. Click the color picker and select the appropriate color on the palette. 
    4. Click Apply to use the selected colors and redraw your chart or graph.

    To show the source table:

    1. Click the Cogwheel  icon.
    2. Select Show source table.

    Image Removed

    Image Removed



    To set the date format:

    From 3.12.0 version, the Table Filter and Charts app allows you to set the correct date format in the page view mode. If the app detects the incorrect date format it presents you with the note panel where you can enter the correct date format. It is saved automatically if it is treated as the correct date format.

    Image Added

    Image Added

    Image Added

    Removing Chart from Table macro for Table

    1. Switch Confluence page to the edit mode.
    2. Select the Chart from Table macro with the table or macro outputting the table.

    Removing Chart from Table macro for Table

    1. Switch Confluence page to the edit mode.
    2. Select the Chart from Table macro with the table or macro outputting the table.
    3. Click Unwrap.



    Copying a table into Chart from Table macro

    1. Switch Confluence page to the edit mode.
    2. Position the mouse pointer into any cell of the table you want to copy.
    3. Click the Copy Table  icon on the editor pane.
    4. Paste the table into the Chart from Table macro on the same or on a new page.

    You can also use the Table Excerpt and Table Excerpt Include macros for using the same table for different objectivesbuilding multiple charts on the basis of a single source table.



    Zooming in Chart

    1. Open the page with the chart you want to zoom in.
    2. Hover your mouse pointer over this chart.
    3. Hold down Ctrl and rotate the wheel button forward to zoom in the chart.

    You can also do the following:

    To zoom in over the desired chart area:

    1. Click and hold the left mouse button.
    2. Drag the mouse pointer down and right over the chart.

    To zoom out the chart:

    1. Click and hold down the left mouse button.
    2. Drag the mouse pointer left over the chart.

    To scale up values along chart axes:

    1. Hold down Shift and drag the mouse pointer left or right. (for X axis)
    2. Hold down Shift and drag the mouse pointer upwards or downwards. (for Y axis)

    To navigate across the chart:

    1. Hold down Ctrl (for Windows) or Alt (for MacOS) and drag the mouse pointer across the chart.

    Image Removed



    1. Hold down Shift and drag the mouse pointer left or right. (for X axis)
    2. Hold down Shift and drag the mouse pointer upwards or downwards. (for Y axis)

    To navigate across the chart:

    1. Hold down Ctrl (for Windows) or Alt (for MacOS) and drag the mouse pointer across the chart.

    Image Added

    Filtering the source table

    1. Select one or more chart columns/sectors/bars.
    2. Only the related rows of the source table are displayed.
    3. Deselect all the columns/sectors/bars to display the whole source table.

    Image Added

    Setting worklog settings

    Excerpt Include
    Managing Filtration Parameters
    Managing Filtration Parameters

    Image Added

    Chart Examples

    Below you can find examples of chart configuration and data series used to generate a specific chart type.

    Pie chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Columns labelAgent
    Values columnTickets per Hour
    Decimal separatorPoint (.)

    AgentTickets per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per Hour
    Remy Deomampo4.65.14.2
    Rahul Dickstein4.81.61.3
    Radu Donahue6.45.61.5
    Preston Doorey4.71.31.6
    Phill Doyle2.03.42.7


    You can select multiple table columns for building multiple pie charts at once on the basis of a single table.

    Image Added

    Donut / 3D Donut chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Columns labelAgent
    Values columnTickets per Hour
    TypeDonut / 3D Donut
    Decimal separatorPoint (.)

    AgentTickets per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per Hour
    Remy Deomampo4.65.14.2
    Rahul Dickstein4.81.61.3
    Radu Donahue6.45.61.5
    Preston Doorey4.71.31.6
    Phill Doyle2.03.42.7

    Image Added

    Line chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Columns labelTickets per Hour
    Values columnAverage Time per Ticket (min)
    Decimal separatorPoint (.)


    AgentTickets per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per Hour
    Remy Deomampo4.65.14.2
    Rahul Dickstein4.81.61.3
    Radu Donahue6.45.61.5
    Preston Doorey4.71.31.6
    Phill Doyle2.03.42.7

    Image Added

    Column chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Columns labelPeriod
    Values column
    • Opened Tickets
    • Pending Tickets
    • Successfully Closed Tickets
    • Tickets Closed w/o Response
    • Unsuccessfully Closed Tickets
    • Total Tickets

    PeriodOpened TicketsPending TicketsSuccessfully Closed TicketsTickets Closed w/o ResponseUnsuccessfully Closed TicketsTotal Tickets
    Q1 2015207423812014664
    Q2 2015278312475839653
    Q3 2015227272002331508
    Q4 2015257202375840612

    Image Added

    Stacked Column chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Columns labelPeriod
    Values column
    • Opened Tickets
    • Pending Tickets
    • Successfully Closed Tickets
    • Tickets Closed w/o Response
    • Unsuccessfully Closed Tickets
    • Total Tickets
    TypeStacked Column


    PeriodOpened TicketsPending TicketsSuccessfully Closed TicketsTickets Closed w/o ResponseUnsuccessfully Closed TicketsTotal Tickets
    Q1 2015207423812014664
    Q2 2015278312475839653
    Q3 2015227272002331508
    Q4 2015257202375840612

    Image Added

    Bar chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Columns labelPeriod
    Values column
    • Opened Tickets
    • Pending Tickets
    • Successfully Closed Tickets
    • Tickets Closed w/o Response
    • Unsuccessfully Closed Tickets
    • Total Tickets

    PeriodOpened TicketsPending TicketsSuccessfully Closed TicketsTickets Closed w/o ResponseUnsuccessfully Closed TicketsTotal Tickets
    Q1 2015207423812014664
    Q2 2015278312475839653
    Q3 2015227272002331508
    Q4 2015257202375840612

    Image Added

    Stacked Bar chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Columns labelPeriod
    Values column
    • Opened Tickets
    • Pending Tickets
    • Successfully Closed Tickets
    • Tickets Closed w/o Response
    • Unsuccessfully Closed Tickets
    • Total Tickets
    TypeStacked Bar


    PeriodOpened TicketsPending TicketsSuccessfully Closed TicketsTickets Closed w/o ResponseUnsuccessfully Closed TicketsTotal Tickets
    Q1 2015207423812014664
    Q2 2015278312475839653
    Q3 2015227272002331508
    Q4 2015257202375840612

    Image Added

    Bubble Pie chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    X-axis and Y-axis columns
    • Date
    • Total requests
    Values column
    • Bugs
    • Improvements
    • Tasks
    • New features
    TypeBubble Pie


    DateTotal requestsBugsImprovementsTasksNew features
    Jan 20198918192428
    Feb 201913224382347
    Mar 2019932536239
    Apr 201910315282337
    May 20198716352610
    June 201913329314033
    Jul 2019761241050

    Image Added


    Chart Examples

    Below you can find examples of chart configuration and data series used to generate a specific chart type.

    Pie chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart
    Columns labelAgent
    Values columnTickets per Hour
    Decimal separatorPoint (.)
    AgentTickets per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per Hour
    Remy Deomampo4.65.14.2
    Rahul Dickstein4.81.61.3
    Radu Donahue6.45.61.5
    Preston Doorey4.71.31.6
    Phill Doyle2.03.42.7

    You can select multiple table columns for building multiple pie charts at once on the basis of a single table.

    Image Removed

    Donut / 3D Donut chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart
    Columns labelAgent
    Values columnTickets per Hour
    TypeDonut / 3D Donut
    Decimal separatorPoint (.)
    AgentTickets per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per Hour
    Remy Deomampo4.65.14.2
    Rahul Dickstein4.81.61.3
    Radu Donahue6.45.61.5
    Preston Doorey4.71.31.6
    Phill Doyle2.03.42.7



    Image Removed


    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Columns labelTickets per
    Values column
    Average Time per Ticket (min)
    Calls per Hour
    Decimal separatorPoint (.)

    AgentTickets per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per Hour
    Remy Deomampo4.65.14.2
    Rahul Dickstein4.81.61.3
    Radu Donahue6.45.61.5
    Preston Doorey4.71.31.6
    Phill Doyle2.03.42.7



    Image Removed



    Image Added

    Time Line / Time Area chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart
    Columns labelPeriodValues column
    • Opened Tickets
    • Pending Tickets
    • Successfully Closed Tickets
    • Tickets Closed w/o Response
    • Unsuccessfully Closed Tickets
    • Total Tickets

    Values ColumnAverage Time per Ticket (min)
    Dates columnDate
    Decimal separatorPoint (.)

    Pending TicketsSuccessfully Closed TicketsTickets Closed w/o ResponseUnsuccessfully Closed TicketsTotal TicketsQ1 2015207423812014664Q2 2015278312475839653Q3 2015227272002331508Q4 2015257202375840612Image Removed
    Stacked Column chart
    per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per Hour

    Image Added

    Line / Area chart (Logarithmic scale)


    Instead of using the default arithmetic scale, you can use the logarithmic scale that is convenient for too large or too small numbers.

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart
    Columns labelPeriod
    Values column
    • Opened Tickets
    • Pending Tickets
    • Successfully Closed Tickets
    • Tickets Closed w/o Response
    • Unsuccessfully Closed Tickets
    • Total Tickets
    TypeStacked Column




    PeriodOpened TicketsPending TicketsSuccessfully Closed TicketsTickets Closed w/o ResponseUnsuccessfully Closed TicketsTotal Tickets
    Q1 2015207423812014664
    Q2 2015278312475839653
    Q3 2015227272002331508
    Q4 2015257202375840612
    Image Removed

    Bar chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart
    Columns labelPeriod
    Values column
    • Opened Tickets
    • Pending Tickets
    • Successfully Closed Tickets
    • Tickets Closed w/o Response
    • Unsuccessfully Closed Tickets
    • Total Tickets
    PeriodOpened TicketsPending TicketsSuccessfully Closed TicketsTickets Closed w/o ResponseUnsuccessfully Closed TicketsTotal Tickets
    Q1 2015207423812014664
    Q2 2015278312475839653
    Q3 2015227272002331508
    Q4 2015257202375840612



    Image Removed

    Stacked Bar chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart
    Columns labelPeriod
    Values column
    • Opened Tickets
    • Pending Tickets
    • Successfully Closed Tickets
    • Tickets Closed w/o Response
    • Unsuccessfully Closed Tickets
    • Total Tickets
    TypeStacked Bar


    PeriodOpened TicketsPending TicketsSuccessfully Closed TicketsTickets Closed w/o ResponseUnsuccessfully Closed TicketsTotal Tickets
    Q1 2015207423812014664
    Q2 2015278312475839653
    Q3 2015227272002331508
    Q4 2015257202375840612
    Image Removed

    Area chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart
    Columns labelTickets per Hours
    Values columnCalls per Hour
    Decimal separatorPoint (.)
    AgentTickets per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per Hour
    Remy Deomampo4.65.14.2
    Rahul Dickstein4.81.61.3
    Radu Donahue6.45.61.5
    Preston Doorey4.71.31.6
    Phill Doyle2.03.42.7



    Image Removed
    Time Line / Time Area

    X-axis value columnTemperature (Celcium degree)
    Y-axis value columnEvaporation heat, Joule/kg
    Logarithmic scale YEnabled

    Temperature (Celcium degree)Evaporation heat, Joule/kg

    Image Added

    Stacked Time Area chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Dates columnDate
    Values columniPhone X, iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung Galaxy Note 8
    TypeStacked Time Area
    Legend positionBottom
    Date formatm/d/yy

    DateiPhone XiPhone 8Samsung Galaxy S8Samsung Galaxy Note 8

    Image Added

    Gantt chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Labels column
    Values ColumnAverage Time per Ticket (min)
    Dates columnDate
    Decimal separatorPoint (.)
    DateTickets per HourAverage Time per Ticket (min)Calls per Hour



    Image Removed

    Line / Area chart (Logarithmic scale)


    Instead of using the default arithmetic scale, you can use the logarithmic scale that is convenient for too large or too small numbers.

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart
    X-axis value columnTemperature (Celcium degree)
    Y-axis value columnEvaporation heat, Joule/kg
    Logarithmic scale YEnabled
    Temperature (Celcium degree)Evaporation heat, Joule/kg
    Image Removed
    • Project
    • Phase
    • Milestone
    • Event
    • Description of Milestone
    • Description of Event
    Values column
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Completion Ratio
    • Date
    Scale Step1m
    Date Formatdd M yy



    Start Date

    End Date

    Completion Ratio

    Project One

    Planning and Research

    01 Jun 2018

    30 Jun 2018


    Project One


    01 Jul 2018

    30 Sep 2018


    Project One


    01 Oct 2018

    15 Oct 2018


    Project One


    16 Oct 2018

    22 Oct 2018


    Project Two

    Planning and Research

    15 May 2018

    15 Jun 2018


    Project Two


    16 Jun 2018

    15 Sep 2018


    Project Two


    16 Sep 2018

    21 Sep 2018


    Project Two


    22 Sep 2018

    30 Sep 2018


    ProjectMilestoneDescription of MilestoneDate
    Project OneRCСompletion of development

    7 Oct 2018 

    Project TwoRCСompletion of development

    19 Sep 2018 

    EventDescription of EventDate
    Demo 1Release of Demo 1

    12 Oct 2018

    Demo 2Release of Demo 2

    27 Sep 2018

    Image Added

    Radar (Spider) chart

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Labels column


    Values column
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Completion Ratio
    TypeGanttScale Step1mDate Formatd-M-y
    TitleAddon NameStart DateEnd DateCompletion Ratio
    Sprint - Quiz Results Report + Mobile UIQuizzes18-Sep-1631-Sep-1695%
    Sprint - Question Management ImprovementsQuizzes4-Sep-1615-Sep-1690%
    Sprint - Handy Task ReportHandy Macros4-Sep-1615-Sep-1681%
    Sprint - Handy Task ListHandy Macros21-Aug-161-Sep-1680%
    Sprint - Handy CarouselHandy Macros7-Aug-1618-Aug-1697%
    Sprint - Functions and CalculationsTable Filter and Charts17-Jul-1611-Aug-16100%
    Sprint - Comparison of Tables for DuplicatesTable Filter and Charts14-Aug-1625-Aug-1693%
    Sprint - Cell Value Indicator and If AnalyzerTable Filter and Charts18-Sep-1629-Sep-1695%
    Sprint - Cell Consolidation and Table MergingTable Filter and Charts15-Sep-1615-Sep-1688%
    Image Removed
    • Communication
    • Technical Skills
    • Team Player
    • Meeting Deadlines
    • Problem Solving
    • Punctuality
    Maximal value10

    NameCommunicationTechnical SkillsTeam PlayerMeeting DeadlinesProblem SolvingPunctuality
    Eugene Kollins474622
    Peter Jacobs182564
    Ashley Stone9310783
    Molly Williams423661

    Image Added

    Time Line chart with Trend

    Parameters in Macro BrowserData Table in Macro PlaceholderRendered Chart

    Dates ColumnAdd-on
    Values Column
    • Table Filter and Charts
    • Smart Attachments
    • Quizzes
    • Awesome Graphs
    • TeamCity Integration
    TypeTime Line
    Date FormatM-y
    Show trend lineEnabled

    Add-onTable Filter and ChartsSmart AttachmentsQuizzesAwesome GraphsTeamCity Integration

    Image Modified