Starting from 1.8.0 version, you can search for issues with attachments by the following parameters:

  • attachment name
  • document name with revisions
  • user who attached the file or files

Search for attachments may require the indexation of your JIRA projects, issues and attachments stored in them.

You can use the following queries to search for issues with attachments:

Search JQL QueryJIRA 6.2 and 6.3JIRA 6.4+
Searches for issues containing attachments matching the specified[attachment].name ~attachmentName ~
Searches for issues containing documents with revisions matching the specified document[attachment].document ~attachmentDocument ~
Searches for issues containing attachments uploaded by the specified JIRA[attachment].author ~attachmentAuthor ~

For example, if you want to find issues with attachments containing 'guide' in their names, so write the following:

  • For JIRA 6.2 and 6.3:[attachment].name ~ guide

  • For JIRA 6.4+: attachmentName ~ guide

Once you click Enter, JIRA will sample the issues containing attachments matching the specified name.

You can also look up for attachments of the specific format, by entering the format name, as follows:

  • For JIRA 6.2 and 6.3:[attachment].name ~ pdf

  • For JIRA 6.4+: attachmentName ~ zip

If you want to find issues with documents having revisions and matching the specified document name or its part (for example, 'contract'), so write the following:

  • For JIRA 6.2 and 6.3:[attachment].document ~ contract

  • For JIRA 6.4+: attachmentDocument ~ contract

If you want to search for attachments uploaded by some specific user, so write the following:

  • For JIRA 6.2 and 6.3:[attachment].author ~ 'Peter Jacobs' or[attachment].author ~ pjb

  • For JIRA 6.4+: attachmentAuthor ~ 'Peter Jacobs' or attachmentAuthor ~ pjb

Autocompletion of usernames and users' full names is not supported.

You can also use other JQL queries for narrowing the list of issues to match your needs.