On this page:

What is indexing

Once the add-on has been installed and application links have been configured, indexing of TeamCity data begins. Indexing is required for correct output of all related data about build in corresponding JIRA's sections. Indexing is performed only once for each configured application link. Afterwards the add-on synchronizes data with TeamCity servers every two minutes.

Percentage of data indexing is counted depending on the number of TeamCity servers registered in JIRA.

For example, if you have only one TeamCity server connected, so 100% are equal to complete data indexing of this server. So if you see in the interface that 40% were completed, so 40% of data from TeamCity have been indexed.

If you have two TeamCity servers and both are not indexed, so 100% are divided by two, with 50% per each TeamCity server. For example, if data from one server is 80% indexed, and data from the other is one 10% indexed, so the total indexation percent for both instances will be 45% ((80%+10%)/2).


You can also monitor progress of indexing and see if any errors occurred during the procedure.

  1. Open the JIRA's administration console and select Add-ons
  2. Locate the TeamCity Configuration section and select Troubleshooting.

Status of indexing

Here you can see status of indexing for each configured application link with TeamCity. For each application link, the following information is available:

The Status table displays no application links if data indexing has not started yet. Once data indexing has started for some application link, this application link appears in the table. Data indexing starts within two-minute period for all newly added application links.

If you have specified incorrect credentials to TeamCity server, the application link will appear in the table, but in the Created and Updated columns there will be ‘N/A’. This means that data cannot be retrieved from the server. The corresponding error will be displayed in the Troubleshooting table for this application link.

When data indexing started and the add-on managed to successfully send the initial request to TeamCity server, you will see the date and time in the Created column of the Status table. Date and time appear in the Updated column, once data indexing started, the initial request and the following request to TeamCity server were successful.

You can restart the indexing procedure, by clicking Reindex.

Possible errors

If you experience any issues with data indexing, here you can also find out errors that occurred during indexing. For each error, the following information is displayed:

To clear all error messages, click the Clear button.

Possible causes

If you experience any issues with data indexing, please supply the error and its description when posting a ticket to our HelpDesk system. Below you can find the table with errors and their description.

Error MessagePossible Cause
java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to hostThe TeamCity host can't be reached due to network problems and/or an intervening firewall.
java.net.SocketException: Connection resetA TCP error. Most likely, an incorrect port was specified for the TeamCity host.

java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

org.apache.commons.httpclient.ConnectTimeoutException: The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 10000 ms

  • The JIRA host connected to the TeamCity host but didn't get any response from it most likely due to network problems.
  • Your TeamCity sever might be very slow. Check the CPU load during the indexation.
com.stiltsoft.lib.teamcity.connector.rest.exception.HttpStatusNotOkException: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
  • The TeamCity user's password in the Application Link is not valid.
  • The TeamCity user is authenticated via LDAP. See here for details.

com.stiltsoft.lib.teamcity.connector.rest.exception.HttpStatusNotOkException: HTTP/1.1 502 Proxy Error


com.stiltsoft.lib.teamcity.connector.rest.exception.HttpStatusNotOkException: HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden

JIRA tries to connect to TeamCity via a proxy. See #8 below.
com.stiltsoft.lib.teamcity.connector.rest.exception.HttpStatusNotOkException: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found

The add-on cannot reach the TeamCity host by the specified URL in the application link. Ensure that you have specified the correct address of the TeamCIty server.

How to verify URL address of TeamCity address:

  1. In the browser's address line, enter URL (which you specified in the applicaiton link), then add /httpAuth/app/rest/builds. 
  2. Your URL should look like: http://teamcity-server-address/httpAuth/app/rest/builds.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Enter login and passsword.
  5. The XML listing with TeamCIty builds should be displayed.


IP address of the specified host cannot be resolved. Ensure that the host specified in the application link is accessible.

  1. In the browser's address line, enter the IP address of the host (from the application link).
  2. The login form of the TeamCity server should open.

HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable

TeamCity server is temporarily unavailable. This may happen due to high load on the server or due to any other problem.

Try to open TeamCity server in your browser. Address the issue to TeamCity administrator to check the service unavailability.

For other HTTP errors (those containing  HTTP/1.1 [message code]), please refer to Status Code Definitions.