The Folder attachments macro allows you to embed folders and documents into Confluence pages, and further navigate across folders on your Confluence page. Additionally, you can upload new documents, delete and rename documents and folders in the space storage from a Confluence page where the macro resides.

Embedding the folder with documents

  1. On the list with folder, locate the folder you want to embed into the Confluence page.
  2. Hover over the folder.
  3. Click the Copy link to embed foldericon.
  4. Switch the page to edit mode.
  5. Insert the link from the clipboard.
  6. Save the page.

Inserting the Folder attachments macro

  1. Switch the page to edit mode.
  2. From the editor toolbar, choose Insert  > Other Macros.
  3. In the Select macro form, find and select the Folder attachments macro.
  4. Click Insert.
  5. Start entering the folder name you want to embed into the page and select it from the suggested variants.
  6. Set the height of the macro area.
  7. To enable navigation within the embedded folder, check the Folder navigation box.
  8. To enable upload of documents through the macro, check the Document uploading box.
  9. To enable actions on documents and folders, check the Allow actions box.
  10. Click Insert.
  11. Save the page.

To add the macro with autocomplete:

  1. Type and the beginning of the macro name.
  2. Start entering Folder attachments to see a list of suggested macros.
  3. Select the macro.

Managing documents and folders through the macro

To upload documents through the macro:

  1. Save the page with the macro.
  2. Click the Add document button.
  3. Select the documents for upload.

To delete documents / folders:

  1. In the macro, locate the folder or document you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete folder / Delete document   icon.

To undo the removal of folder, click the Undo link. You will have 5 seconds to undo the removal of a folder or document. The deleted document or folder will be highlighted with the light red color.

To rename documents / folders:

  1. In the macro, locate the folder or document you want to rename.
  2. Click the Edit folder name / Edit document name  icon.
  3. In the appeared box, update the folder or document name.
  4. To confirm changes, click .

The macro considers the space permissions when showing the action icons to the user.