Calculating Velocity

The Source Table:

The Result:

Macro combination:

  1. Insert the Jira Issues macro.
  2. Wrap the Jira Issues macro in the Table Filter macro.
  3. Wrap the Table Filter macro in the Pivot Table macro.
  4. Wrap the Pivot Table macro and the table containing statuses in the Table Transformer macro.
  5. Wrap the Table Transformer macro in the Chart from Table macro.

Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnSprint
Filter TypeDropdown
Filter ValuesReversed filter '-empty-'

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsSprint
Column LabelsStatus
Calculated ColumnStory points
Operation TypeSum

Table Transformer:

Use the following SQL query:

SELECT 'sprint', 
MIN(TT1.'Sum of story points') AS 'Story Points Committed',
MIN(TT1.'Sum of story points Done') AS 'Story Points Completed',
AVG(TT2.'Sum of story points Done') AS 'Velocity'
JOIN T1 AS TT2 on TT1.'sprint' >= TT2.'sprint'
WHERE TT1.'sprint'<>"Total"
GROUP BY TT1.'sprint'
ORDER BY TT1.'sprint'

Additional parameters:

  • Set the Decimal places option: 1.

Chart from Table:

Labels ColumnStory Points Committed
Values ColumnStory Points Completed