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Add-on Configuration

TeamCity Integration for JIRA add-on allows you to configure parameters of build indexation. You can quickly set the appropriate parameters depending on your connectivity, size of TeamCIty instance and number of builds and configurations.

  1. Open the JIRA's Administration console.
  2. Navigate to Add-ons > TeamCity Configuration.
  3. Select the Global Configuration section.

Modifying Configuration of Indexation

  1. On the Global Configuration page, click Edit.
  2. Configure the appropriate parameters.
  3. Click Update

Network Options

The network options allow you to configure timeouts for establishing connection to TeamCity server and fetching build data from hosts. You can also define the type of connection direct or via proxy server. The same network settings are applied to all TeamCity servers integrated with your JIRA.

You can specify the next options:

Connection Timeout

Connection Timeout is timeout (in seconds) before connection to TeamCity server is established after conneciton failure.

Connection timeout is used for establishing connection between JIRA and TeamCity. If the connectivity between two instances is intermittent, you can set the higher connection timeout for the add-on being able to successfully establish connection to TeamCity. If you set the lower value, the add-on will terminate the current connection attempt and start a new one. If the connection is slow or ping is high, the add-on will require more time for establishing connection to the server. So if you set the lower value, the add-on may not to be able to successfully connect to TeamCIty and start data indexation.

Socket Timeout

Timeout used for waiting data retireval from TeamCity server.

Once the add-on has established the connection, it starts waiting for data fetching from TeamCity. Socket timeout is amount time the add-on waits for completion of packet data retrieval from TeamCity instance before it terminates the session. The higher value you set, the longer the add-on will wait during transfer of sequential data packets.

Response Timeout

Timeout before new connection to TeamCity server is established if no response has been received or completed.

Response timeout is amount of time the add-on allocates to completion of the request and data transfer. If your builds are large, you can set the higher value to be sure that all data will be downloaded within this period.

Proxy Support

The add-on uses the proxy properties loaded by Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on startup of JIRA.

If JIRA is configured to use a proxy, it tries to connect to TeamCity via a proxy even if the TeamCity server is in the same network. The proxy server could block this connection as shown below.

You can connect JIRА to TeamCity directly by using the two parameters, as follows:

true / falseIf true, the add-on will try to directly connect to all Teamcity servers without using the proxy server.
host nameIf specified, the add-on will try to directly connect to the specified TeamCity servers, the proxy server will be used for the rest of hosts.

For the details on JIRA startup options, refer to the How to Configure an Outbound HTTP and HTTPS Proxy for JIRA page.

Indexing Options

Indexing options indicate how deep the add-on indexesTeamCity build data and whether it can skip builds upon error occurrence or should it attempt to fetch them. 

You can define the following options:

Index Depth

Depth of indexing builds depending on the recency of bulds (in days).

By default, the add-on is configured to fetch all build data from TeamCity server, but you can change this parameter and set the appopriate age of builds in days. For example, if you needn't data for the past two years, and you only need build data for the last 3 months - set '90'.

Skip Builds

Enables skipping builds that cannot be retrieved due to network or connectivity problems.

This option allows the add-on to skip builds that cannot be retrieved due to some connectivity issues. Instead of performing continuous attempts to index the build, the add-on will skip it and proceed to the next build in the queue. It can speed up the indexing procedure, but skipped builds will not be available in JIRA.

Issue Resolutions

Build indexation freezes on some percentage with no progress for a long time

You may encounter such an issue when you have a large change set with the merge of up to 5,000 commits. The add-on usually runs out of time to fetch data about this merge in the build.

You need to increase the response timeout up to 600 seconds, which should be enough for complete data retrieval.

Build indexation is reset and cannot be completed

  1. The add-on fetches data from TeamCity in batches with 20 builds in each batch. Batches are fetched sequentially one by one. If the add-on fails to get the next batch with builds, the indexation is reset and the procedure starts from the beginning. You need to increase the socket timeout up to 180 seconds, so the add-on will be able to fetch the last batches in the queue. The connection timeout should be about 10 seconds.
  2. You may encounter this issue if you perform daily backups with further suspension of TeamCity server during data backup. If you have a lot of data, the add-on is not able to index it all before backup creation, that’s why indexation is restarted each time. Disable the daily backup until completion of indexation.

After re-installation of the add-on, indexation starts from the very beginning and lasts for several days

Build data indexation is not persistent, so the add-on re-indexes the data upon update of the add-on itself. For large TeamCity servers, the complete re-indexation can take up to 3 days.