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In the Contributors tab you can see, in the upper part, Summary Graph representing the number of total contributions (commits/additions/deletions) made to the repository over a certain time span grouped by day/week/month; and, in the lower part, all repository Contributors with their:

There are project and repository Contributors graphs.

View the project graph

To view the project Contributors graph:

View the repository graph

To view the repository Contributors graph:

Also while browsing the Contributors graph of a certain project, you can select one of its repositories from the Repository Selection drop-down menu with the list of all the repositories of the current project. Learn more

Activity Type

To choose what activity (commits, additions or deletions) to display in the summary graph navigate to the Show menu and select one of the options from the drop-down list.

Time Span

To select a time span for personal contribution graphs, go to the summary graph, click near the start point of your time span and drag to the end point. Once selected, your time span can be adjusted by moving the selection or dragging start or end points. To deselect, click anywhere outside the selected area in the graph.

Grouping Criteria

To display contributions grouped by whether day, week or month, click one of the Display in buttons.

Contributors List

The contributors are ordered by value specified in the Show menu. For example, if Commits is chosen, contributors are ordered by the number of commits they made in the repository.

Here, contributors names can be text or links. If it's text, that means that the contributor is not a Bitbucket Server user. For Bitbucket Server users, contributors names are links to their Contributions graph in their user profile. Contributions graph is available only in the paid version of Awesome Graphs.