What is Customer Case

Customer Case is a cloud-based service communicating and interacting with JIRA Cloud instances. This service transforms JIRA Cloud into the full-fledged customer feedback and helpdesk platform. So you as a customer can submit your feedback in the form of ideas, feature requests and issue reports.

Customer Case allows the vendor to get a customer portal that can be comprised of multiple forums. Forums can be of two types:

The way of submitting and updating the submitted feedback on both forum types is quite similar.

Login Options

Sign-in to Customer Case can be performed through the following options:

Logging in to Feedback Forums

  1. Open the browser.
  2. In the address line of the browse, enter address of the feedback forum and press Enter. Alternatively, you can proceed to the feedback forum from some external source by clicking the corresponding ink.
  3. Once the forum has loaded, you will see the screen similar to the one displayed below.
  4. In the top right corner locate the Sign In link and click it. Alternatively, you can click the Post a new idea button or try to comment an idea or start watching it, you will be prompted to log in to feedback forum.
  5. Use the appropriate sign in option.
  6. Once you have signed in to Customer Case, you can post ideas, vote for them and leave comments on feedback forums.

Customer Case will neither expose your email address to any third-party companies nor use it for illegal purposes. For the details see our Privacy Policy.

Logging in to Support Forums

  1. Open the browser.
  2. In the address line of the browse, enter address of the support forum and press Enter. Alternatively, you can proceed to the feedback forum from some external source by clicking the corresponding ink.
  3. Once the forum has loaded, you will see the screen similar to the one displayed below.
  4. In the top right corner locate the Sign In link and click it. If you do not have a Customer Case account, you can enter your email in the corresponding while submitting a ticket.
  5. Use the appropriate sign in option.
  6. Once you have signed in to Customer Case, you can submit tickets and track progress on them.

Creating an Account

Customer Case allows you to create a personal account if you have neither JIRA account nor a social account on Facebook or Google+.

  1. Proceed to the Sign In page.
  2. Locate the Create account link and click it.
  3. Enter your email, full name and password for Customer Case account.
  4. Click the Sign Up button.
  5. Check your mail box and locate the confirmation email from Customer Case. Click the verification link to validate your email address and activate your Customer Case account.

You can submit issue reports without having a Customer Case on support forums. While submitting an issue report you will receive a letter to the specified email address prompting you to create an account in Customer Case.

By clicking the Complete signup button, you will open the page similar to the one displayed below.

Here, you will have to enter your full name and the password.

Click Sign up to complete account creation.

Managing Ideas and Tickets

Customer Case provides the convenient way of managing ideas and tickets on the forums.

Posting Ideas

  1. Locate the Post a new idea button and click it.
  2. On the opened page, enter the short summary of your idea and its description.
  3. Select the appropriate category.
  4. To attach one or multiple files to the idea, click Add attachment.
  5. Click Save when complete.

You can use the visual editor to stylize your text, create lists, and insert links or embed images.

The maximal size of attachment is 10 MB. The number of files that can be attached to the idea is not limited.

Selection of the category may be unavailable if components are not defined for the project.

Submitting Tickets

  1. Locate the Submit a new request button and click it.
  2. On the opened page, enter the short summary of your ticket and its description.
  3. Select the appropriate category.
  4. To attach one or multiple files to the ticket, click Add attachment.
  5. Click Save when complete.

You can use the visual editor to stylize your text, create lists, and insert links or embed images.

The maximal size of attachment is 10 MB. The number of files that can be attached to the ticket is not limited.

Selection of the category may be unavailable if components are not defined for the project.

Viewing, Commenting, Voting and Watching Ideas

  1. On the list with ideas, locate the one you want to comment or vote for.
  2. Click the idea summary to open the page with its detailed description.
  3. Click the Vote button.
  4. Click the Watch button for receiving notifications about progress on the idea.
  5. Click Add attachment to attach one or multiple files to the comment.
  6. In the visual editor, enter your comment and click the Post Comment button.

The Watch function allows users of your feedback forums to receive notifications about progress on the issue such as adding new comments, attaching new files and status change. The user who submitted an idea or left comments becomes a watcher automatically. Users can also subscribe manually by clicking the Watch button.

You can copy the permanent link to the comment by clicking icon appearing when you point to the comment.

Accounts of company representatives are highlighted with the marker.

Viewing and Commenting Tickets

  1. On the list with issue reports, locate the one you want to comment.
  2. Click the issue report summary to open the page with its detailed description.
  3. Click Add attachment to attach one or multiple files to the comment.
  4. In the visual editor, enter your comment and click the Post Comment button.

Accounts of company representatives are highlighted with the marker.

Editing Ideas / Tickets and Comments

Users of Customer Case can edit description of their own ideas, tickets and comments. The way of editing description and comments is identical for feedback and support forums.

  1. Open your idea / ticket or locate your comment.
  2. Click the Edit link.
  3. Update description of the idea or ticket or comment.
  4. Click Save.

You cannot edit ideas / issue reports and comments posted by other users.

Viewing the Listing of Ideas / Tickets

You can view the list of all ideas submitted on the feedback forum and the list of your own tickets on the support forum.

For each listed idea, the following information is displayed:

For each listed ticket, the following information is displayed:

Sorting and Filtering Ideas / Tickets

You can sort ideas in the following way:

You can sort tickets in the following way:

Select the appropriate parameter to sort out the list of ideas or tickets.

You can filter ideas and tickets by the following criteria:

Above the list with ideas or tickets, select the criterion to filter items. You can combine the Status and Category filters for more precise results.


Switching between Forums

One vendor may have multiple feedback forums for users being able to discuss idea, feature requests for different products and to submit their tickets and issue reports. Customer Case groups all the forums of one vendor under the same customer portal and allows you to instantly switch between them through the dedicated menu.

  1. In the header of the forum, locate the forum switcher and click it.
  2. In the forum switcher, select the appropriate feedback or support forum.

Viewing Your Activity

Activity is a set of user actions that include adding ideas, leaving votes and commenting ideas and feature requests of other users.

  1. In the top right part of the page, locate the Profile block and click it.
  2. Select Profile.
  3. On the opened page you can view:

Viewing Activity of Other Users

  1. While viewing the list of ideas submitted by users, you can click the name of the user who submitted the idea or feature request.
  2. You can browse the list of ideas, votes and comments added by other users.

Email Notifications

Customer Case allows you to subscribe to email notifications for a specific idea if you start watching it. You become a watcher of your own ideas automatically.

Email notifications are sent for the following events:

Notifications about the progress on tickets and new comments are sent automatically.