Use Case

You need to define fields/columns in several languages as users may resort to different Confluence Profile languages resulting into several fields might have different names corresponding to their language variant.

This example is valid for such macros as Jira Issues, Page Properties/Report, Task Report, etc. which field names are automatically translated upon Confluence profile language switch.


  1. Switch the page to the edit mode.

  2. Insert the Table Transformer macro and paste the table or the macros outputting tables within the macro body.

  3. Select the macro and click Edit.

  4. In the Presets tab select Custom transformation and click Next.

  5. Enter the following SQL query pattern:

    SELECT COALESCE('Description','Beschreibung') as 'Description',
    COALESCE('Assignee','Bearbeiter') as 'Assignee' FROM T1
  6. Click Next

  7. Define the date format.

  8. Save the macro and the page.

The COALESCE() function returns the first non-null value in a list.

Though the use case is applicable to any table returning macros automatically translating their fields correspondingly upon the language switching, there is no need to utilize it when processing the standard Jira Issues fields, such as Key, Summary, Created, Updated, Due, Assignee, etc. - Table Transformer is able to render these fields in any Confluence language set with no specific language assignment, meaning you can select the fields in English with a German language in Confluence, for example - the selection will still take place.