New in this release

Added a capability to revert filters for all filter types.

Now you can either exclude or include specific values during data filtration.

Added a capability to select colors for charts and graphs.

Now you can quickly and easily pick the appropriate color for your charts and graphs for better data perception.

Added a capability to share links to specific filtration results.

Now you can copy the URL which will lead to the page with the necessary filtered results.

The new version of add-on also includes the following features:

  • Added a capability to apply the logarithmic scale to the line and area charts.
  • Added the mechanism determining the date format for the user depending on the used locale on his/her machine when using the default filter values.
  • Added a capability to completely hide the table and show rows only during filtration.

Fixed in this release

  • Resolved the issue with the incorrect sorting of the format when using the column sorting in the Table Filter macro.
  • Resolved the issue with the disabled Disabled All Filters icon when using the Show First N Rows option.
  • Resolved the issue with the incorrect positioning of the filtration pane when using the junction of the Chart from Table > Pivot Table > Table Filter macros.