Once enrolled to a quiz, a participant receives an email with a quiz link. While taking a quiz, a user needs to answer one question at a time.

When done submitting answers, a participant clicks the Submit quiz button.

If 'Allow resubmitting answers' or 'Allow to skip questions' is enabled in settings by a quiz author, a user can navigate between questions by clicking buttons in the Questions panel.

If the 'Allow resubmitting answers' option is disabled by a quiz author, a quiz is automatically completed and submitted when you answer the last question or time given to take a quiz runs out.

The result and quiz score are displayed after submitting a quiz. 

A quiz completion page can look differently if a quiz author customized it.

If a quiz included one or several free text questions that can not be checked automatically, a participant will receive an email notification with results once the quiz submission is reviewed by a quiz author unless notifications are disabled.

To view results sometime after taking a quiz, a participant can follow a quiz link or visit the Quizzes page in a user profile.