New in this release:

  • Creating courses for learning and onboarding.

Creating courses for learning and onboarding

The Cloud version of the app now also has the courses feature. Now you can create courses in Confluence Cloud and use them to:

  • Organize employee training including onboarding, software knowledge, compliance, and certification
  • Educate customers
  • Assess knowledge, competences and skills
  • Build self-check tests on your products for customers and partners

You can easily create and manage courses using pages that you already have in Confluence or creating new educational content and adding tests (quizzes) to check the understanding. 

Creators assign a course by enrolling participants using their email addresses. It is possible to invite even a person who has no account in Confluence. They will be able to take a course without getting access to your spaces.

Reports help course creators track progress of each enrollee.

Learn more