Courses and Quizzes - LMS app creates a page in Confluence Administration, where you can manage default co-authors for future course and quiz administration pages.

  • Changing this setting doesn't affect previously created courses and quizzes.
  • It does not guarantee that default co-authors will remain there for good. Any user who has access to a course/quiz administration page can update page restrictions - add or remove users and groups.

Use CasesLink to Use Cases

  • make sure managers who are in charge of learning and development have access to all learning content
  • prevent problems with accessing a course/quiz when its creator moved to another team or left the company
  • make it easier for co-creators to share and collaborate on the learning content 

Configure Default Co-authorsLink to Configure Default Co-authors

By default, there are no default co-authors and only the creator can view and edit course and quiz administration pages.

To add a group or user into Default Co-authors:

  1. Choose the cog icon, then choose General Configuration.

  2. Choose Courses and Quizzes - LMS > Default Co-authors in the left-hand panel. 

Add or edit Default Co-authors as follows.

To add a group into Default Co-authors:

  1. Click Edit Setting
  2. Enter the group name in the Add to default co-authors box in the Groups section. 
  3. Select the needed group from suggestions.
  4. The group will appear in the list.
  5. Click Update to save your changes.

To add a user into Default Co-authors:

  1. Choose Edit Setting
  2. Enter the group name in the Add to default co-authors box in the Individual Users section. 
  3. Select the needed user from suggestions.
  4. The user will appear in the list.
  5. Click Update to save your changes.

To update Default Co-authors:

  1. Click  in the row for the relevant user/group. 
  2. Click Update to save your changes.