The in-app feedback dialog is aimed to help our users share their thoughts and feelings about the Courses and Quizzes LMS app. 
The dialog will be shown to course/quiz administrators only. The first time it is shown in seven days after a course/quiz administrator visited the Learning page or administration page of a course or a quiz.

It has several options:

  • By pressing Maybe later, you'll see the dialog again in fourteen days.
  • Don't show it again button hides the dialog from you, and it is not shown in the future

If the in-app feedback dialog distracts you, we recommend hiding it by choosing Don't show it again button.

The in-app feedback dialog can be concealed for all courses and quizzes administrators. If you want to do that, you need to share the following instruction with your Confluence administrator:

  1. Go to the Manage apps setting.

  2. Find there the Courses and Quizzes - LMS for Confluence app. 

  3. Open the app details.

  4. Expand the list of app modules.

  5. Find there the Feedback Dialog Web Resources module and disable it.

If you'd like to turn on the in-app feedback dialog, your Confluence administrator should perform the same steps and then enable this module back.