When you create a new quiz, it has default pages that participants see when they complete a quiz. There are 3 completion pages:

  • Passed – shown when a participant passes a quiz
  • Failed – shown when a participant fails a quiz
  • In Review –  shown when a participant complete a quiz with at least one free text question (free text questions can't be checked automatically and require a quiz administrator's review)

The links to these pages are shown in Quiz Settings> Look> Quiz completion page on the quiz page:

Quiz completion pages (Passed and Failed) include the Quiz Result macros that are used to display participants’ results. This macro has the following types:

  • Correct - number of questions answered correctly
  • Score - % of questions answered correctly
  • Total - number of questions included in the quiz
  • Target - number of questions that had to be answered correctly to pass

Custom completion pagesLink to Custom completion pages

Customize quiz completion pages to:

  • make them look the way you want them to (change content, style, add images, etc.)
  • remove the information about quiz results (in case you don't want participants to know how they did)
  • create a sequence of quizzes (have participants take several quizzes in a row) 

To have a custom completion page in a quiz:

  • edit pages that are shown in Quiz Settings> Look> Completion page, or
  • create new pages and specify them in Quiz Settings> Look> Completion page

If no page is selected in the ‘Quiz completion page’ section of quiz settings, the default add-on page is used.


  • If you want participants to see a custom completion page no matter what result they get (passed or failed), Failed and Passed completion pages. Otherwise customize only one of them. 
  • If your quiz has free text questions, edit only In Review completion page.