Quiz settings are configured on a quiz administration page.

DescriptionText that participants will see in the notification when they are enrolled to a quiz.
Pass targetNumber of questions that must be answered correctly to pass a quiz. If this field is empty, all questions must be answered correctly.
Number of attempts

Number of attempts to pass a quiz. If this field is empty, there is no limit and participants can retake this quiz as many times as they want.

Results after each question

Show correct/wrong messages – participants will see messages saying either their answer was correct or wrong after each question when taking a quiz.

Skipping questionsIf checked, when taking a quiz, participants will be able to skip questions and come back to them later. If unchecked, participants will have to answer all questions in a row.
Randomize questionsIf checked, when taking a quiz, participants will see questions in a random order. If unchecked, participants will see questions in the order they are shown in the 'Questions' section on the quiz administration page.
The parameters specified in quiz settings are used as predefined parameters when enrolling to a quiz..