Use Cases

  • Need to change a word or phrase (e.g. replace 'quiz' with 'test') on course and quiz admin pages, Learning, for participants or in notifications.
  • Change the title of some button.
  • Translate some texts into your native language.

We don't have Texts Configuration Page in the app in the Confluence interface yet. Let us know if you'd like to have it.

However, there is a workaround.


It is possible to change texts yourself. You will need to manually edit an add-on file and replace texts there.

It will be necessary to edit this file every time when you update to a new version of the app.

  1. Go to Courses and Quizzes LMS - Version page on the Marketplace
  2. Download the version you want to use. There are two records for each version - Server and Data Center. Make sure you pick the right one. 
  3. Open the JAR file that you downloaded.
  4. Find the folder i18n and open it.
  5. Edit the file
    • Texts consist of two parts: key and the text itself. The key is the first part before '='.
    • E.g. in '​quiz.course.submit = Mark as completed​', '​quiz.course.submit' is the key.
    • Make sure you don't edit keys.
    • Make changes only to the texts themselves.
    • In the example below, you can change something in the part 'Mark as completed'.
  6. Save the changes.
  7. Update the app by file upload using the JAR with updated text:

If you need help with updating texts, let us know.