New in this release:

  • Quiz administration page became more user friendly
  • Improved creating new questions
  • Now when taking a quiz, participants can select an answer option not only by marking a check box or radio button, but also by clicking the answer option text.
  • Increased the width of the area that shows added participants in the 'Share quiz' window for better display of long names and emails.



Quiz administration page became more user friendly

  • Now you can collapse and expand 'Quiz Questions', 'Quiz Settings' and 'Quiz Results' sections to focus on the relevant part of a page when working on a quiz. To hide the content of a section, just click its name.
  • Moved the 'Create question', 'Share quiz' buttons and the 'Quiz Questions' section to the top of the page to make a quiz page more friendly for the workflow of quiz administrators.
  • Added messages that are dislayed in 'Quiz Questions' and 'Quiz Results' sections when they are empty to help get started with new quizzes.



Improved creating new questions

  • Now you can reorder answer options added in the 'Create question' window. To move an answer option, just drag and drop it.
  • Added messages that inform a quiz creator why a question can't be created.