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Major improvements. Starting


from version 2.0.0 Evernote Integration is a paid add-on.


Since the initial release of Evernote


Integration in 2012, we've developed a substantial range of features for this add-on. Evernote Integration has proved to be a useful add-on with functionality needed for many Confluence users. So we are going to be releasing new versions more frequently and enriching its functionality at a faster pace. Our team is willing to invest more time and effort in the development of Evernote Integration, so we could be more flexible and available when satisfying your needs and providing you support concerning integrating your Confluence and Evernote accounts.

Given the mentioned above, starting  from version 2.0.0 Evernote Integration is a paid add-on.You can post your new Evernote Integration features ideas here.

New in this release

  • Adding Evernote notes to existing Confluence pages by pasting Evernote links
  • Flawlessly


New in this release

The new version of add-on includes the following features:


  • conversion of Evernote to-do lists to Confluence task lists
  • Evernote Business support