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titleManaging the Global Filter

Table Filter for Confluence add-on is equipped with the global filter. You can add this filter type for the whole table. It allows you to enter text queries for simultaneous filtration of data throughout your Confluence table. You can also enter the regular expressions for flexible data filtration in the whole table.

  1. Edit the page.
  2. Insert the Table Filter macro and paste the table within the macro body.
  3. Select the macro and click Edit.In the Free Text Filter Columns box, select the columns for filtration with free text filters.
  4. Image RemovedLocate the Global filter box and check it.
    Image Added
  5. Save the macro.
  6. Save the page.
  7. On the filtration pane, enter the appropriate values or use regular expressions for flexible data filtration.
    Image RemovedImage Added

You can also filter tables with @-user mentions by the current user (write or select @currentUser).

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