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Migrated the add-on infrastructure from Heroku to AWS and allocated a static address


Below are some important notes on upgrading to a new version of TeamCity Integration for JIRA Cloud. Below you can find details of the improvements that are included into this release. Here you can also find details of view information about maintenance jobs that you will have to perform.

Table of Contents

Release Notes

The current release will feature the allocation of the single static IP address for sending requests to TeamCity. The administrators of TeamCity servers located behind firewall will be able to allow connections from the static IP address of the add-on. In such a way you can preserve the high security level of your infrastructure.

The new static IP address is XXX34.XXX193.XXX46.XXX228.

Upgrade Notes 2/6/2017

Thanks for choosing our development solution for JIRA Cloud. We are going to make some upgrades that should make our add-on TeamCity Integration for JIRA Cloud more reliable and ready for further growth.


We are migrating all the existing add-on infrastructure from Heroku to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

All the maintenance jobs are starting at 05:00 UTC on Monday, February 6, 2017. There will be a tentative one-hour downtime in the add-on operation during this migration.

The expected migration will take no longer than one hour.

Why are we doing this?

We have received several requests from our customers who are hosting TeamCity servers behind the firewall. Using the existing add-on infrastructure hosted in Heroku did not allow us to allocate a static IP address for processing TeamCity data. Heroku does not provide an easy and efficient way to allocate a static address. As it deals mainly with dynamic addresses so it becomes impossible to set up the proper firewall configuration for correct operation of TeamCity Integration for JIRA Cloud add-on.

What will be unavailable during the downtime?

The temporary one-hour add-on downtime will NOT anyhow impact JIRA Cloud functionality.

The existing index of build data retrieved from TeamCity server will be unavailable on the TeamCity tab in the issue and project views.

The regular indexation of build data will be temporarily suspended during the maintenance jobsOur new IP address space, along with some underlying network improvements, should make response times noticeably faster for about a third of our users. Just as important, these changes make it easier for us to improve upstream network connectivity and load balancing, and to perform other infrastructure projects in the near future.

How will this affect you?

Most users will not have to do anything special for this migration. Your DNS servers should pick up the new IPs within a few minutes of the migration, and your systems should start using the new IPs right away. We’ll keep the old IPs running for a few weeks afterwards just in case, though. Unfortunately, there is one issue that we cannot resolve without your help.

The migration procedure will include a step that will require change of the baseUrl of the add-on. Atlassian Connect does not provide a seamless method to change the add-on baseUrl. That's so migration of the baseUrl will require the re-installation of the add-on by the administrator of JIRA Cloud.

Below you can find the step-by-step instructions on how to do this:

  1. Navigate to JIRA Cloud UPM.
  2. On the list with installed add-ons, locate TeamCity Integration for JIRA Cloud.
  3. Click Unsubscribe.
  4. Click Uninstall.
  5. Install the add-on once the uninstallation is complete.

Please note that the re-installation of the add-on will not affect the existing build index and configured settings. Though NO additional setup will be required after re-installation of the add-on.

The add-on should be fully operable after this procedure and pick the new IP address for operation.

Firewall considerations

If you control inbound or outbound access with a firewalltraffic, though , then you may need to update your configuration. Please whitelist these new IPs now; you should be able to remove the old IPs after the migration is complete.

New destination IP addresses for will be:


New source IP addresses for hooks will be:


SSH considerations

Our server’s SSH key is not changing, so most SSH clients will continue to work without interruption. However, a small number of users may see a warning similar to this when they push or pull over SSH:

Warning: the RSA host key for ‘’ differs from the key for the IP address ‘’

The warning message will also tell you which lines in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts need to change. Open that file in your favorite editor, remove or comment out those lines, then retry your push or pull.

Stay updated

As we update records, we’ll post updates on our @BitbucketStatus Twitter account and our status site so you can follow along. We’ll also keep our knowledge base up-to-date with any future changes to the lists of IPs.

Thanks for your patience as we work to increase Bitbucket’s speed and reliability. Please contact us at if you have any questions.

this IP address for correct operation of the add-on:


Stay updated

You will receive three emails:

  • email with a notification about the scheduled maintenance jobs
  • email one hour prior to launch of infrastructure migration
  • email after migration completion

We will keep you updated on the process of migration and will notify you immediately if some unexpected issues occur during it,

Thanks for your patience and understanding! We will do our best to increase the reliability and security of TeamCity Integration for JIRA Cloud.

Please contact us at if you have any questions.Можно разбить текст на разделы как в этом блог-посте