Use case descriptionLink to Use case description

You have a lot of similar (with the same headers) tables on different pages. These tables should be processed separately, you don't need to collect them into one big combined report. But you want to get different insights from each table regarding various aspects.  

The most obvious way is to reuse the first table as many times as many aggregated tables and charts you need with the help of the Table Excerpt/Table Excerpt Include macros, then wrap each copy into other macros (Pivot Table, Table Transformer, Chart from Table) and apply the required settings. Then you can copy these macro sequences, go to other pages with similar tables, and paste the macros.

If you want to readjust your reporting results (investigate another aspect), you need to change the macro sequences and macro settings on the first page, copy everything once more, and paste it on other pages.

As you can see, it can be time consuming and not very effective in case of brief and urgent presentations for managers and team leads.

The workaround for Data Center is to use report templates based on the Table Excerpt Include macros. Such templates can be easily connected to the required pages, and you'll get your reports (one or several) on the fly.

The source page contentsLink to The source page contents

  • Each source table should be wrapped in the Table Excerpt macro with the same name
    • For our example it's "table_data"
  • If you don't want to see the source table along with the result report, you may enable the "Hide the source table" option

The structure of the templatesLink to The structure of the templates

  • Each template should be based on the Table Excerpt Include macro
    • The macro should collect excerpts with the chosen specific name ("table_data" for our example) from the current page
  • The Table Excerpt Include macro can be wrapped into other macros, so that you can get your reports
    • For example, here we have two pages: "TEI Template - Country" and "TEI Template - Skills"
    • The first one is used to create charts regarding the countries from which our developers come from
    • The second one contains pivot tables related to the various skills of our developers
  • All the macro settings are applied correctly in the edit mode
    • You can use a real copy of one of your source tables to check if you get what you need
  • In the view mode there are no any reports/charts because there are no any Table Excerpt macros on the page

Name your pages with templates in a simple but understandable way - you'll need these page names later.

Result reportsLink to Result reports

  • To get a result report, go to the source page and add the standard Include Page macro
  • The name of the included page should be corresponding to the required template
    • To get some insights about countries, we include the "TEI Template - Country" page
    • To aggregate various skills of the developers, we include the "TEI Template - Skills" page
  • You can include several pages at once or insert only one Include Page macro and easily switch between different views depending on your tasks
  • The Table Excerpt Include macro finds its Table Excerpt via the Include Page macro. So, you'll see your report after the page is published