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This page provides you with the information about public releases of Table Filter and Charts for Confluence 3.10.x. Here you can learn what new features were added and what bugs were fixed.

Table Filter and Charts 3.10.0

Added a Gantt chart, a trendline, options to freeze rows and columns, new macros, and others

Table Filter and Charts 3.10.1

Resolved the compatibility issue with external gadget macros

Table Filter and Charts 3.10.2

Improved internal export to PDF of JIRA Issues macro

Table Filter and Charts 3.10.3

Performance improvements

Table Filter and Charts 3.10.4

Added a capability to create chart based on checkboxes, icons and emoticons

Table Filter and Charts 3.10.5

Improved the way of showing large number values in the bar and column charts

Table Filter and Charts 3.10.6

Added a capability to use several labels / x-axis columns in charts

Table Filter and Charts 3.10.7

Updates for chart display and compatibility issue with Pocket Query and Table Plus

Table Filter and Charts 3.10.8

Parameter to preserve the first N rows of the table during filtration

Table Filter and Charts 3.10.9

Output of the used operation type in the Total column

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