Page tree

New in this release:

  1. Table from JSON:
    • Added support of rootArray[*].childArray path type

Fixed in this release:

  1. General:
    • Saving indicator for macros is placed incorrectly
  2. Table Filter:
    • Freeze N rows option leads to these rows moving across the entire table when scrolling in Confluence 8.7.x
    • Scroll Word Exporter output has macro settings displayed if any filters/sorting are enabled in Table Filter inside Page Properties
    • When default sorting is set, Copy Filter URL does not work for Table Filter with Table Transformer inside
  3. Table Spreadsheet: 
    • Pivot tables show empty cells if aggregated categories contain &
    • Sort drop-down menu can't be closed for column or row settings in pivot table
    • Data verification and cell format config dialogs are not fully reachable in a minimum size macro window
  4. Pivot Table:
    • Spaces are trimmed incorrectly
  5. Chart from Table:
    • X-axis dates get trimmed on the left in Gannt chart type
    • Bubble Pie can sum different X and Y values

  • No labels