Starting from the version 2.0.0, Evernote Integration is a paid add-on. Read more

New in this release

  • New user interface.
  • Filtering notes by notebook.
  • Filtering notes by tags.
  • Sorting notes.

Fixed in this release

  • Bug occurred when importing notes created via iOS applications: EverWebClipper HD for Evernote or Clever Clip HD - Web Clipper.


New user interface 

Enjoy the new look&feel of the Import from Evernote window. It got nicer and more functional.


  • no sidebar for more notes to fit in;
  • notes are displayed as cards;
  • Notebook filter;
  • Tag filter;
  • drop-down menu with sorting options, current user and the Disconnect link.



Filtering notes by notebook

We added Notebook filter to help you find needed notes easier and faster. It includes all your Evernote notebooks. And if you are using Evernote Business, all notebooks are arranged into two categories: business notebooks and personal notebooks.

To browse all notes from one notebook, choose it from the drop-down list. To view all notes from all business (personal) notebooks, select All business (personal) notebooks.




Filtering notes by tags

Sometimes it's easier to search for the right note if to filter your notes by tag.Before you could do that only using Evernote Search Grammar.

Now to view notes with certain tags, you can also click  and select relevant tags. If you have a lot of tags, search for the needed ones using the Search box.





 Sorting notes

We added several sorting options for your convenience. You can sort notes by date created, date updated and title. By default, the notes are ordered by their creation date, from newest to oldest.

To change the notes order, click   in the top right corner and choose another sorting option. You can order notes by:

  • Created: newest to oldest;
  • Created: oldest to newest;
  • Updated: newest to oldest;
  • Updated: oldest to newest;
  • Title: A to Z;
  • Title: Z to A.




  • No labels