Page tree

New in this release:

  • Added export to Excel option for Table Spreadsheet.
  • Added new Table Transformer function: CONCAT_VIEW_AGGR - to concatenate and aggregate table data preserving their original formatting.
  • Added new date format (viz. d/MM/yyyy) for Table Spreadsheet.

Fixed in this release:

  • Resolved the issue with the loading spinner displayed in Chart from Table paired with other macros when the source table has no rows.
  • Resolved the issue with Protect the sheet window rendered incorrectly in Table Spreadsheet when scaling the page. 
  • Resolved the issue with copied rows disappearing from the table when Count totals for columns enabled.
  • Resolved the issue with the WORKDAY function not working in Table Spreadsheet.
  • Resolved the issue with the NETWORKDAYS function not working in Table Spreadsheet.
  • Resolved the issue with incorrect formula autocompletion output in Table Spreadsheet.

  • No labels