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This page provides you with the information about public releases of Table Filter and Charts for Confluence 7.7.x. Here you can learn what new features were added and what issues were addressed.

Table Filter and Charts 7.7.0

Added capability to set dependencies in the Gantt chart

Table Filter and Charts 7.7.1

Resolved the issue with updating filters in the edit page mode

Table Filter and Charts 7.7.2

Resolved the issue with setting dependencies in the Gantt chart in some browsers

Table Filter and Charts 7.7.3

Resolved a minor XSRF vulnerability

Table Filter and Charts 7.7.4

Added support for negative time durations

Table Filter and Charts 7.7.5

Added support for live filtration of tables with merged cells in headers

Table Filter and Charts 7.7.6

Resolved the issue with dates sorting in the page editor

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