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This page provides you with the information about public releases of Table Filter and Charts for Confluence 7.6.x. Here you can learn what new features were added and what issues were addressed.

Table Filter and Charts 7.6.0

Added zoom in Gantt chart.

Table Filter and Charts 7.6.1

Resolved the issue with IE11

Table Filter and Charts 7.6.2

Resolved the issue with exporting tables rendered with Tabel Excerpt Include

Table Filter and Charts 7.6.3

Resolved the issue with the column width in the Table Excerpt Include macro

Table Filter and Charts 7.6.4

Resolved the issue with the date format with the non-English language settings

Table Filter and Charts 7.6.5

Improved performance of the Table Excerpt Include macro with enabled caching

Table Filter and Charts 7.6.6

Resolved the issue with colors not being applied to the Gantt chart

Table Filter and Charts 7.6.7

Added capability to export data inside the collapsed Expand macro to CSV

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