Improvements in Activity graph, Pull Requests reports, Contributor calendar.
New in this release:
See what repositories a user contributed to within last year. Filter the calendar showing personal contributions by repository.
Learn what day was the most productive for a user in last year.
Improvements in the Activity graph.
Improvements in pull requests reports.
Managing user aliases via REST API.
Fixed in this release:
Made all dates in the Contributions tab of the same format (MMM dd, yyyy).
Fixed the issue with hints with contributor display name and email not being shown in the Activity tab when hovering over avatars in Internet Explorer 11.
Fixed the issue with managing emails not affecting File Contributors. Because of this issue a contributor who contributed using different email addresses and whose contributions were joined using email aliases still had several records in the Contributors list in the Source tab.
Fixed the issue with repository indexing failing if that repository has a contributor with an email address exceeding 255 characters.
See what repositories a user contributed to within last year
Repository filter was added in the Contributions tab in user profile. It includes the list of all repositories a user contributed to within last year.
By default, 'all repositories' is selected. When you choose one of the repositories from the list, the contributions statistics is filtered and the Contributor calendar is updated based on your repository selection.
Learn what day was the most productive for a user in last year
In the Contributions tab in user profile, Max Contributions in Day was added. It shows on which date the maximum number of contributions was made within last year. You can see the date and the number of contributions that corresponds to it.
Improvements in the Activity graph
New features in the Activity graph on the Graphs page were added:
the 'last quarter' time span option
the pull requests chart now has stacked bars. Each stacked column shows the number of created, open and declined pull requests of one contributor
hovering over a chart column displays the exact number of commits/pull requests
a table row in the table to the right of the pie chart/graph is now being highlighted when selecting a slice in the pie chart or clicking a point on the graph
parameters selected on the Configure stage are displayed when navigating the progress tracker from the Analyze step back to Configure
Managing user aliases via REST API
Sometimes one contributor can use different e-mails which can lead to inconsistent and incomplete data shown by Awesome Graphs. To address this problem, besides using .mailmap in the repository or adding aliases in the user profile settings, now you can manage email aliases via REST API.
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