TeamCity is the continuous integration server developed by JetBrains. By adding the TeamCity Build Configuration macro to a Confluence page, you can display information about the appropriate build configuration used by TeamCity server. 

Before you can use this macro, your Confluence and TeamCity server should be connected via Application Links. People viewing the page will see information about the selected build configuration used by TeamCity server for task completion. Data are retrieved through TeamCity user account, so Confluence users needn't even have an account in TeamCity to view information about build configurations. The add-on supports work with multiple TeamCity servers, so you can instantly view multiple build configurations for one or several TeamCity servers.

Adding the TeamCity Build Configuration macro to a page

  1. In the Select Macro form, select the TeamCity Build Configuration macro.
  2. Select the appropriate TeamCity instance, which data about build configurations is retrieved from.
  3. Select the appropriate project and build configuration of the selected project.
  4. Click Insert.
  5. Save the page.

Once you have saved the page, you will see the table with the following information:

  • # - number of the build configuration;
  • Results - results of the build completion;
  • Changes - the list of changes added into the build and the user who added these changes;
  • Started - date and time when the build was started;
  • Duration - duration of the build creation;
  • Agent - agent, which performed the task.

You can click the entries in the Results column, to proceed to the build results in TeamCity instance.

If you want to view build changes, click the down arrow icon to expand the list of changes added into the build. You can view the files that were created, edited or deleted in the result of modifications, by clicking the N files link.

Code examples

The following examples are provided for advanced users who want to inspect or edit the underlying markup for a Confluence page. 

Macro name: teamcity-build-type

Macro body: None.

The following parameters are available in storage format.

Parameter NameRequiredDefaultParameter description and accepted values
yesn/aProject name or project ID (depending on add-on version) which build configuration is fetched for. All projects are retrieved from TeamCity server.
yesn/aName of the build configuration, which information is fetched for. All values for build configurations are retrieved from TeamCity server.
noBy default, the primary application link is selected. If the primary application link is used, this parameter is not available in the storage format.Name of the application link used for integration with TeamCity server.

Automatically assigned

ID of the macro on the page.Confluence assigns ID of the macro automatically.

Storage format example

Below you can find the example of storage format. The selected application link is not indicated anyhow in the storage format.

<p><ac:structured-macro ac:name="teamcity-build-type" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="d9f27bda-bcd7-4440-8f8e-87026bc53fa6">
	<ac:parameter ac:name="server">TeamCity StiltSoft</ac:parameter>
	<ac:parameter ac:name="bt">Master</ac:parameter>
	<ac:parameter ac:name="project">SmartAttachments</ac:parameter>
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