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The Favorite Pages app is automatically enabled for each user after installation. The app uses the default configuration which tracks pages with more than 2 visits within the last two weeks in all spaces.

You can modify these settings and adjust them to your current needs.

Adjusting the page tracking settings

  1. To open the inline dialog, click the star icon on the Confluence menu bar.
  2. In the top right part of the inline dialog, click the Configure personal settings  icon.
  3. On the Favorite Pages Settings page, adjust the page tracking settings, as follows:
    • Page tracking - use the toggle to enable or disable the page tracking for your user profile.
    • Track pages in - select one or multiple spaces which page visits the app should track.
    • Track pages visited more than ... times within the last ... days / weeks / months - specify the number of page visits and the time period within which they should occur.
  4. Click Save when complete.

Alternatively, you can access the settings of the Favorite Pages app, as follows:

  1. On the Confluence menu bar, click the profile icon.
  2. From the contextual menu, select Settings.
  3. On the navigational sidebar, select Favorite Pages.

The page tracking period cannot exceed six months. If you enter the time period exceeding this value, the app will automatically reset it to the previous value.

Managing hidden pages

  1. In the Favorite Pages Settings section, switch to the Hidden pages tab. Here you can view the list of pages which you stopped tracking.
  2. To continue tracking of a specific page, click Delete. The page will be removed from the list and the app will continue its tracking.

Data Lifecycle of Page Tracking Data

The Favorite Pages app tracks page visits on a regular basis. All data about page visits older than 6 months is automatically removed by the app from the database when the 6-month period is exceeded for this portion of data.

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