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This page provides you with the information about public releases of TeamCity Integration for JIRA. Here you can learn what new features were added and what bugs were fixed.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA Cloud

TeamCity Integration for Jira 4.0.1

Updated dependencies and minor app improvements.

TeamCity Integration for Jira 4.0.0

Exclusive compatibility with Jira 10.0 and above

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.3.2

Updated dependencies in the app

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.3.1

Updated dependencies in the app

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.3.0

Event generation when automatically populating the Custom field.

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.9

Updated compatibility and minor app improvements

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.8

Added support for TeamCity 2020.1.3

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.7

Resolved the issues with the post-function and build filtration

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.6

Addressed the issue with setup of custom fields when they were locked

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.5

Addressed the issue with data reindexation on Jira 8.6.0

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.4

Resolved the issue with the positioning of checkboxes

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.3

Resolved the issue with the filter positioning and query improvements

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.2

Resolved the issue with loading the app because of Velocity Manager

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.15

Minor error fixed

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.14

Minor error fixed

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.13

Updated dependencies in the app

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.12

Added compatibility with JIRA 9

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.11

Updated dependencies in the app

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.10

Updated dependencies in the app

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.1

Resolved the issue with the TeamCity Agents gadget

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.2.0

Compatibility with Jira Data Center and indexation improvements

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.1.2

Added the resolving of the $JIRA_KEY variable in the post-function

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.1.1

Resolved the issue with resolving the $JIRA_KEY in the build comment

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 3.1.0

Compatibility with Jira 8.0.

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.0.5

Resolved the issue with the filter positioning and query improvements

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.0.4

Added the resolving of the $JIRA_KEY variable in the post-function

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.0.3

Resolved the issue with resolving the $JIRA_KEY in the build comment

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.0.2

Resolved the issue with display of canceled builds in the TeamCity Activity gadget

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.0.1

Resolved the issue with MSSQL database

TeamCity Integration for Jira 3.0.0

JQL queries to search for builds and updates in the build indexing mechanism

TeamCity Integration for Jira 2.9.0

Interface response and data query optimizations

TeamCity Integration for Jira 2.8.0

Multiple build configurations for the Fixed in build custom field

TeamCity Integration for Jira 2.7.2

Resolved the issue with operation of the Teamcity Build Configuration gadget

TeamCity Integration for Jira 2.7.1

Resolved the problem with loading issues having the Fixed in Build field

TeamCity Integration for Jira 2.7.0

Branch selection and new look of the TeamCity Build Configurations gadget

TeamCity Integration for Jira 2.6.6

Support for composite builds and improved indexation of queued builds

TeamCity Integration for Jira 2.6.5

Fixed status icons on the Releases page and NPE error upon initial indexation

TeamCity Integration for Jira 2.6.4

Addresses the out of memory and page load timeout issues

TeamCity Integration for Jira 2.6.3

Link to reset the applied filters and improved the on-boarding process

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.6.2

On-boarding wizard after installation of the add-on and minor issue resolutions

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.6.1

Resolved the issue with abnormal memory consumption and data indexation

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.6.0

Integration with Release Hub and the post function to trigger builds during issue transition

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.5.1

Minor interface improvements and updates

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.5.0

Improved creation of TeamCity applinks and display of multi-level projects

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.4.2

An option to enter the issue key property when triggering builds in JIRA

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.4.1

Improved display of multiple related issues in the TeamCity Activity gadget and on the TeamCity tab

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.4.0

Added the Fixed in Build field and improved data indexation mechanism

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.3.3

Resolved the data showing issue in TeamCity Activity gadget

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.3.2

Resolved the indexation issue after build removal in TeamCtiy 9+

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.3.1

Resolved the issue with build filters in the issue and project views

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.3.0

Added the TeamCity Build Configurations gadget

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.2.0

Added an option to remotely trigger builds from JIRA.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.1.0

Added compatibility with JIRA 7

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.0.7

Improved indexation of builds being in a queue for a long time

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.0.6

Resolved the data showing issue in TeamCity Activity gadget

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.0.5

Resolved the indexation issue after build removal in TeamCtiy 9+

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.0.4

Resolved the issue with build filters in the issue and project views

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.0.3

Compatibility with JIRA 6.4.10.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.0.2

Optimized initial data indexation and added validation before index update

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.0.1

Resolved the issue with JS-error leading to showing no build data in JIRA 6.1.x

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 2.0.0

Added output of the gadget streaming build activity and build search filters

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.7.7

Compatibility with JIRA 6.4.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.7.6

Compatibility with TeamCity 9.0.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.7.5

Due to performance limitations plugin shows only the first part of VCS changes on TeamCity tab.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.7.4

Upgrade is recommended for users who have already installed the version 1.7.3 and use Oracle.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.7.3

Added support for JIRA Data Center and the Response Size option.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.7.2

Upgrade is strongly recommended for users who have already installed the version 1.7.1

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.7.1

Added persistent data indexation and options to configure connection timeouts.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.7.0

The add-on supports integration with multiple TeamCity servers and supports new TeamCity 8.1

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.6.5

Compatibility with JIRA 6.1.1 and below was restored.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.6.4

Compatibility with TeamCity 8.1 was added.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.6.3

Fixed the issue with display of the changes pop-up on the TeamCity tab in Internet Explorer.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.6.2

This version resolves the compatibility issues with Internet Explorer and adds new notifications into the interface.

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.6.1

Improved TeamCity 8 compatibility

TeamCity Integration for JIRA 1.6.0

The plugin supports dual licensing now. You can buy/renew license keys both from Atlassian Markeplace and on our website.

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