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This feature is available for Jira Server only.

From version 3.0.0, you can search for issues by the following criteria:

  • search for issues that attribute to specific builds
  • search for issues against the Fixed in Build field in breakdown by build number, build status, and presence of value in the field

Searching for issues with JQL 

  1. Open the Search for issues section.
  2. Switch to the Advanced search.
  3. Enter the JQL query to look up for issues.
  4. Click Search or press Enter.

Searching for issues attributing to specific builds

See the table below for examples of JQL queries:

JQL Query PatternJQL Query ExampleDescription
ISSUE IN issuesRelatedToTeamCityBuild("#<build_number>")
ISSUE IN issuesRelatedToTeamCityBuild("#217", "#218")
Looks up for issues that relate to builds #217 and #218.
ISSUE IN issuesRelatedToTeamCityBuild("<teamcity_server_name>","#<build_number>")
ISSUE IN issuesRelatedToTeamCityBuild("Jetbrains","#3446","#3434","#3431")
Looks up for issues that relate to builds #3446, #3434, and #3431 in the Jetbrains TeamCity server.

Searching for issues against the Fixed in build field

See the table below for examples of JQL queries:

JQL Query PatternJQL Query ExampleDescription
<FixedInBuild_field_name> = 'SUCCESS'
"Fixed in Build" = 'SUCCESS'
Looks up for issues with the Fixed in Build field which includes builds that completed successfully.
<FixedInBuild_field_name> = 'FAILURE'
"Fixed in Build" = 'FAILURE'

Looks up for issues with the Fixed in Build field which includes builds that failed.

<FixedInBuild_field_name> = "#<build_number>"
"Fixed in Build" = "#3411"
Looks up for issues with the Fixed in Build field which contains the build #3411.
<FixedInBuild_field_name> IN ("#<build_number>", "#<build_number>")
"Fixed in Build" IN ("#3446","#3434")
Looks up for issues with the Fixed in Build field which contains builds #3411 or #3434.
<FixedInBuild_field_name> IS EMPTY
"Fixed in Build" IS EMPTY
Looks up for issues where the Fixed in Build field is empty.
<FixedInBuild_field_name> IS NOT EMPTY
"Fixed in Build" IS NOT EMPTY

Looks up for issues where the Fixed in Build field is not empty.

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