The Permission issue (no permission to add pages) error is shown while viewing a course/quiz if you lack the Add pages permissions in the space.

Steps to troubleshoot (for space admin)

If you don't know who your space admin is.

  • Go to Space Settings > Space permissions > Users.
  • Edit space permissions and give the user trying to create a course module permission called Pages, whiteboards, and databases > Add.

Why this permission is needed?

The app user needs access to your course/quiz administration page and its parent pages. The app attempts to automatically add its user in page restrictions if it's not there already. However, it is required that a person opening a page has permission to restrict pages and change their restrictions in order for the automation to work. Add pages (Confluence feature) permissions control not only page creation, but page restrictions too. If a user has Restrictions permissions, but has no Add pages permissions in a space, that user can't change page restrictions. 

If you need further assistance, please reach out to izi LMS Support.