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This page provides you with the information about public releases of Table Filter and Charts for Confluence 5.0.x. Here you can learn what new features were added and what issues were addressed.

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.0

Added the Table Transformer macro and support for Confluence Mobile, greatly improved the Table Excerpt Include macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.1

Added a capability to turn off aggregation by date periods in the Pivot Table macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.2

Added support for filtration tables wrapped with macros in page edit mode

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.3

Added compatibility for RefinedMobile for Confluence app

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.4

Resolved the issue with date format in the Table Transformer macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.5

Improved compatibility with Easy Dropdown Menu app and page export

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.6

Added a capability to set thousand separator for totals in the Table Filter macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.7

Added diagnostic messages for Table Transformer macro when invalid SQL query is used

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.8

Resolved the issue with editing of a table with the Table Filter macro total row

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.9

Resolved the issue with tables lookup in the Table Transformer macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.10

Resolved the issue with viewing in Confluence Mobile and in mobile browsers

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.11

Resolved the compatibility issue with Zabbix Plugin

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.12

Resolved the issue with Jira Issues macro within Page Properties Report

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.13

Resolved the issue with inline macro insertion and Gallery and Course macros

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.14

Resolved the issue with Pie chart colors scrambling

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.15

Resolved the issue with Jira Filter Results gadget dates processing

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.16

Milestones' and events' dates are taken in account when forming the dates axis in the Gantt chart

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.17

Resolved the issue with the "Today" event in the Gantt chart

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.18

Resolved the issue with Elements Spreadsheet for Confluence app dates processing

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.19

Resolved the issue with dates formatting in the Table Transformer macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.20

Resolved the issue with displaying not filtered table within Table Filter macro on mobile devices

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.21

Improved the compatibility with PlaySQL macros

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.22

Table Transformer macro ignores hidden columns

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.23

Resolved the issue with calculating average values in the Table Filter macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.24

Resolved the issue with displaying the macros in the Confluence Page Gadget

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.25

Added a capability to output the Table Filter macro total column to the Pivot Table macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.26

Resolved the issue with filtration of the multidimensional Pivot Table macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.27

Added a capability to include the same macros multiple times into a page

Table Filter and Charts 5.0.28

Total values are aligned to the right in the Table Filter macro

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