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This page provides you with the information about public releases of Table Filter and Charts for Confluence 5.4.x. Here you can learn what new features were added and what issues were addressed.

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.0

Added the pagination feature to the Table Filter macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.1

Resolved the issue with export to PDF with the Code macro inserted on the page

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.2

Resolved the issue with filtration when sorting is applied to the filtered table

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.3

Resolved the issue with preserving cells format in the Table Transformer macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.4

Fixed the browser autocomplete overlapping the calendar in Date Filter inputs

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.5

Resolved the issue with dates filtration in the format of year quarters

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.6

Resolved the issue with the ARRAY function in the Table Transformer macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.7

Resolved the issue with displaying extra content in the Table of Contents macro

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.8

Resolved the issue with the Jira Pie Chart gadget

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.9

Fixed the issue with Table Excerpt Include, Table Filter and Table Transformer

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.10

Added support of Сallouts in 3D Pie, Donut charts

Table Filter and Chart 5.4.11

Resolved the issue with converting the string constant to number in SQL

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.12

Resolved the issue with displaying deleted files via Table from CSV

Table Filter and Charts 5.4.13

Resolved the issue with doing math over worklogs.

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