We would like to inform you that beginning with the version 6.2.0 of the app, the Resolution Time Report has been replaced by the Cycle Time Report. We kindly recommend updating to the latest version and utilizing the Cycle Time Report for future use.

Resolution Time Report shows the average time pull requests take to resolve. Resolution times of merged and declined pull requests are shown separately. This report helps you see the trends in resolution time. 

Below on the page, you'll learn:

  • how to view Resolution Time Report for projects and repositories
  • how to configure the report
  • how to read the report

For easier navigation, use the Table of Contents at the top-right of the page.

How to view Resolution Time ReportLink to How to view Resolution Time Report

Resolution Time Report is available both on the project and repository levels. To view Resolution Time Report:

  • Navigate to the project or repository of your choice.
  • Click on the Reports icon in the left-hand sidebar.
  • Choose Resolution Time Report in the Pull Requests section.

How to configure Resolution Time ReportLink to How to configure Resolution Time Report

  1. In the Period fields, choose the time frame. The report will include pull requests that were merged or declined within this time frame.
  2. If you want to see the report for a particular team, choose its name using the All contributors dropdown menu in the Team field. Read more about teams here.
  3. In Group by, select units of time (how to group pull requests).

  4. In Destination Branch (available only in repository reports), choose pull requests to what branch to include in the report. When All branches is selected, the report will have pull requests made to all branches.

How to read a Resolution Time ReportLink to How to read a Resolution Time Report

The report is made up of the resolution time bar chart, the statistics table, and the list of pull requests.

Resolution time bar chartLink to Resolution time bar chart

Each bar shows an average resolution time of a particular period. Each period can have two bars:

  • green (resolution time of merged pull requests) 
  • red (resolution time of declined pull requests) 

Statistics tableLink to Statistics table

To the right of the graph, there is a table that shows:

  • the number of merged and declined pull requests for each period
  • average resolution time of merged and declined pull requests

List of pull requestsLink to List of pull requests

Below the graph, you can see the list of pull requests included in the report.

If you click a bar, the list will get updated and you will see pull requests that correspond to that bar. 

If you'd like Awesome Graphs to include other pull requests reports, please, let us know.