New in this release:

  • Configure and view quiz settings on a quiz page 
  • New quiz settings: number of attempts to take a quiz, skipping questions while taking a quiz, showing results after each question
  • See your quizzes in user profile
  • Self-enroll to a quiz
  • See your progress when taking a quiz
  • Workbox notifications for Confluence users
  • New question type - True/False
  • Delete records from a report with quiz results on a quiz page
  • Share quiz results with participants
  • Using quiz settings as predefined parameters when sharing a quiz

Fixed in this release:

  • Fixed the issue with viewing permissions. Before, when adding questions via the 'Create question' button on the quiz page, Confluence users who had access to the space, but had no permission to view a quiz and its questions, could sometimes see quiz questions on the Quiz question page.
  • Fixed the bug that caused issues when taking a quiz that included a question with an image from the web. When approaching such a question while taking a quiz, the question wouldn't be displayed and it wouldn't be able to proceed taking a quiz.


Configure and view quiz settings on a quiz page

The Quiz Settings section was added on a quiz page, where a quiz creator can configure a quiz:

  • add description
  • define how many questions to include in a quiz when it is shared
  • enter pass target
  • set time limit, if needed
  • define number of attempts to take a quiz
  • set either results will be shown after each question when taking a quiz or not
  • allow to skip questions during completing a quiz or not

To change settings:

  • while viewing a quiz page, click and edit needed fields in the Quiz Settings section 
  • while editing a quiz page, open the 'Quiz Settings' macro in macro browser, set parameters and save

The parameters specified in quiz settings are used as predefined parameters when sharing a quiz.

Learn more



See your quizzes in user profile

Confluence users can view the list of all quizzes that were ever shared with them and quizzes they self-enrolled to in user profile.

To view it, click your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen and select Quizzes.

The Quizzes table includes the following columns:

  • quiz name
  • status
  • result
  • score
  • date started
  • time spent
  • actions

The actions cell can be empty if there is no action a user can perform.




Self-enroll to a quiz

Before, for a person to take a quiz, a quiz creator needed to share a quiz with them. Now we implemented the capability to self-enroll to a quiz.

That's how it works:

  1. A quiz creator inserts the 'Quizzes' macro on a page that participants will visit to self-enroll to a quiz
  2. In macro browser, select a quiz or quizzes for self-enrollment
  3. A page with details of a selected quiz and the 'Take quiz' button will be displayed
  4. Share this page or let people visit it on their own
  5. When a person clicks the 'Take quiz' button, a unique quiz link is generated. Confluence users are immediately redirected to a quiz. Anonymous users are prompted to enter their email address
  6. After entering an email address, an anonymous user receives a quiz link via email
  7. Participants take a quiz and a quiz creator sees quiz results on the quiz page




See your progress and time left when taking a quiz

We added the progress bar participants see when taking a quiz. It allows to see on which question you are and how many more there are to answer.

Also, when time limit is set in a quiz, participants see the timer in the right top corner while answering quiz questions.



Workbox notifications for Confluence users

In addition to email notifications, we added workbox notifications for Confluence users. Workbox notifications are received:

  • when a quiz is shared with a Confluence user
  • when a Confluence user self-enrolls to a quiz



New question type - True/False

The first version of Quizzes had two question types:

  • Single choice (radio buttons)
  • Multiple choice (check boxes)

We added one more question type in the version 1.1.0. It's a True/False question.




Delete records from a report with quiz results on a quiz page

The quiz page displays a report with results of participants. Before, you could not delete records from it. Now it is possible. Select the records you want to delete (or mark the check box in the header cell to select all records) and click 'Delete selected records'.

When a record is deleted:

  • if a participant has not started taking a quiz by the time the record is deleted, their quiz link becomes invalid and they will not be able to take a quiz. This quiz will be labeled as 'Canceled' in the list of quizzes in user profile if a participant is a Confluence user
  • if a participant has started taking a quiz by the time the record is deleted, they are able to complete this quiz




Share quiz results with participants

Participants see their results after taking a quiz in a browser tab. Confluence users can also see their results on the Quizzes page in user profile.

In addition to that, a quiz creator can also create a separate page with quiz results of all participants and share it with them. To do that, insert the 'Quiz Results Report' macro on a page and in macro browser, select one or several quizzes, which results will be included in the report and save.

People viewing that page will see the table with quiz results by participant, but will not be able to delete records.




Using quiz settings as predefined parameters when sharing a quiz

When you click the 'Share quiz' button on a quiz page, you see the dialogue, where you can add participants and view settings (description, pass target, etc.) that are taken from the Quiz Settings section. You can change these settings and share a quiz with modified settings.