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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.

Before you start

configure link

display all issues

no more 1000 (Jira limitations)

in all the use cases below, we use JQL: 'project = name' and apply filtration with the TF macro

remember about date format and worklog settings

use one Jira issues table to create multiple pivot tables and charts

hide Jira user macro

настройки языка

Aggregating Issues by Assignee

Macro combination:

  1. Insert the Jira Issues macro.
  2. Wrap the Jira macro in the Table Filter macro.
  3. Wrap the Table Filter macro in the Pivot Table macro.

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Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnStatus
Filter TypeDropdown
Filter ValuesReversed filter 'Done'

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsAssignee
Column LabelsStatus
Calculated ColumnKey
Operation TypeCount, Literal

Additional parameters:

  • Set the Literal value delimiter option: Bulleted list.
  • Hide totals of the pivot table.

Handy Carousel

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Evaluating Calculated Planned and Spent Time Per Assignee

Macro combination:

  1. Insert the Jira Issues macro.
  2. Wrap the Jira macro in the Table Filter macro.
  3. Wrap the Table Filter macro in the Pivot Table macro.
  4. Add a table with a single column 'Time Evaluation' and containing the Status macros. (info)
  5. Wrap the Pivot Table macro and the table containing statuses in the Table Transformer macro.
Handy Tip

If you don't need to have colorful statuses in the Time Evaluation column, don't add this single column table.

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Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnStatus
Filter TypeDropdown
Filter ValuesDone

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsAssignee
Column Labels-
Calculated ColumnOriginal Estimate, Time Spent
Operation TypeSum

Table Transformer:

Use the following SQL query:

Code Block
CASE WHEN 'Sum of Time Spent' > 'Sum of Original Estimate' 
ELSE "IN TIME" END AS 'Time Evaluation'

Handy Carousel

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Visualizing of the Amount of Planned and Spent Time Within the Project

Macro combination:

  1. Insert the Jira Issues macro.
  2. Wrap the Jira macro in the Table Filter macro.
  3. Wrap the Table Filter macro in the Pivot Table macro.
  4. Wrap the Pivot Table macro in the Chart from Table macro.

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Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnStatus
Filter TypeDropdown
Filter ValuesDone

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsT
Column Labels-
Calculated ColumnOriginal Estimate, Time Spent
Operation TypeSum

Chart from Table:

Labels ColumnT
Values ColumnSum of Original Estimate, Sum of Time Spent

Handy Carousel

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Visualizing the Issues Distribution by Sprints or Releases

Macro combination:

  1. Insert the Jira Issues macro.
  2. Wrap the Jira macro in the Table Filter macro.
  3. Wrap the Table Filter macro in the Pivot Table macro.
  4. Wrap the Pivot Table macro in the Chart from Table macro.

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Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnStatus
Filter TypeDropdown
Filter ValuesReversed filter 'Done'

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsAssignee
Column LabelsStatus
Calculated ColumnKey
Operation TypeCount, Literal

Chart from Table:

TypeStacked column
Labels ColumnFix Version(s)
Values ColumnCount Improvement, Count New Feature

Additional parameters:

  • Set the Show data labels option: Percentage.

Handy Carousel

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Comparison of Graphs of Open and Resolved Tasks

Macro combination (the chart is based on two transformed pivot tables):

Step 1. Configure Table1:

  1. Insert the Jira Issues macro.
  2. Wrap the Table Filter macro in the Pivot Table macro.
  3. Wrap the Pivot Table macro and the table containing statuses in the Table Transformer macro.

Step 2. Configure Table2:

  1. Insert the Jira Issues macro.
  2. Wrap the Jira macro in the Table Filter macro.
  3. Wrap the Table Filter macro in the Pivot Table macro.
  4. Wrap the Pivot Table macro and the table containing statuses in the Table Transformer macro.

Step 3. Wrap Table1 and Table2 in the Chart from Table macro.

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Macro configuration:

Step 1. Configure Table1:

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsCreated
Column Labels-
Calculated ColumnSummary
Operation TypeCount

Additional parameters:

  • Set the Date period aggregation option: Week.

Table Transformer:

Use the following SQL query:

Code Block
SELECT 'Created', SUM (TT2.'Count') AS 'Count'
JOIN T1 AS TT2 on TT1.'Created' >= TT2.'Created'
GROUP BY TT1.'Created'
ORDER BY TT1.'Created'

Handy Carousel
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Step 2. Configure Table2:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnResolved
Filter TypeDropdown
Filter ValuesReversed filter '-empty-'

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsResolved
Column Labels-
Calculated ColumnSummary
Operation TypeCount

Additional parameters:

  • Set the Date period aggregation option: Week.

Table Transformer:

Use the following SQL query:

Code Block
SELECT 'Resolved', SUM (TT2.'Count') AS 'Count'
JOIN T1 AS TT2 on TT1.'Resolved' >= TT2.'Resolved'
GROUP BY TT1.'Resolved'
ORDER BY TT1.'Resolved'

Handy Carousel

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Step 3. Wrap Table1 and Table2 in the Chart from Table macro.

Chart from Table:

TypeTime Area
Dates ColumnCreated, Resolved
Values ColumnCount

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Visualizing the Story Points Performance

Macro combination:

  1. Insert the Jira Issues macro.
  2. Wrap the Jira macro in the Table Filter macro.
  3. Wrap the Table Filter macro in the Pivot Table macro.
  4. Wrap the Pivot Table macro in the Chart from Table macro.

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Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnTSprint
Filter TypeVisualDropdown
Filter ValuesImprovement, New FeatureReversed filter '-empty-'

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsSprint
Column LabelsStatus
Calculated ColumnStory points
Operation TypeSum

Chart from Table:

Labels ColumnSprint
Values ColumnSum of story points Done, Sum of story points In Progress, Sum of story points To Do

Additional parameters:

  • Set the Show trendline option.

Handy Carousel

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Calculating Velocity

Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnStatus
Filter TypeDropdown
Filter ValuesReversed filter 'Done'

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsAssignee
Column LabelsStatus
Calculated ColumnKey
Operation TypeCount, Literal

Chart from Table:

TypeStacked column
Labels ColumnFix Version(s)
Values ColumnCount Improvement, Count New Feature

Additional parameters:

  • Set the Show data labels option: Percentage.

Visualizing of Completed Story Points by Teams

Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnStatus
Filter TypeDropdown
Filter ValuesReversed filter 'Done'

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsAssignee
Column LabelsStatus
Calculated ColumnKey
Operation TypeCount, Literal

Chart from Table:

TypeStacked column
Labels ColumnFix Version(s)
Values ColumnCount Improvement, Count New Feature

Additional parameters:

  • Set the Show data labels option: Percentage.

Burnup Chart

Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnStatus
Filter TypeDropdown
Filter ValuesReversed filter 'Done'

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsAssignee
Column LabelsStatus
Calculated ColumnKey
Operation TypeCount, Literal

Chart from Table:

TypeStacked column
Labels ColumnFix Version(s)
Values ColumnCount Improvement, Count New Feature

Additional parameters:

  • Set the Show data labels option: Percentage.

Building a Gantt Chart

Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnStatus
Filter TypeDropdown
Filter ValuesReversed filter 'Done'

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsAssignee
Column LabelsStatus
Calculated ColumnKey
Operation TypeCount, Literal

Chart from Table:

TypeStacked column
Labels ColumnFix Version(s)
Values ColumnCount Improvement, Count New Feature

Additional parameters:

  • Set the Show data labels option: Percentage.