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Visualizing the Issues Distribution by Sprints or Releases

Image Modified

The Source Table:

The Result:

Image Added

Image Added

Macro combination:

  1. Insert the Jira Issues macro.
  2. Wrap the Jira Issues macro in the Table Filter macro.
  3. Wrap the Table Filter macro in the Pivot Table macro.
  4. Wrap the Pivot Table macro in the Chart from Table macro.

Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnStatusType
Filter TypeDropdownVisual
Filter ValuesReversed filter 'Done'Improvement, New Feature

Pivot Table:

Row LabelsAssigneeFix Version(s)
Column LabelsStatusType
Calculated ColumnKeySummary
Operation TypeCount, Literal

Chart from Table:

TypeStacked column
Labels ColumnFix Version(s)
Values ColumnCount Improvement, Count New Feature

Additional parameters:

Handy Carousel

Excerpt Include
Using Table Filter and Charts in Combination with the Jira Issues Macro
Using Table Filter and Charts in Combination with the Jira Issues Macro