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Installation Prerequisites

The app supports the following environment:

  • Jira 6.0 - Jira 6.4.X
  • Asterisk 12

Operation of the app in any other environment has not been tested and is not guaranteed.

Please do not use the app on the production server.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the JAR file.
  2. Unpack the JAR file to your local computer.

Setting General Configuration

Open the folder with the unpacked app. Open the file etc/config.xml.

Edit the general configuration of the app:

support.context Asterisk context which is used for work of call center
support.groupJira user group which includes operators of the call user group which includes managers of the call center
support.sippropertyUser property which contains the SIP number of the call operator.sipnumber
support.project.keyJira project key which will be used for tracking incoming calls from customers.SUP of the system user which will be used for looking up for issues.callcenterRobot of the custom field which stores the phone number of the customer.Phone Number
client.summaryName of the custom field which stores the name of the customer.Customer

client.fields (info)

Handy Tip

These fields are optional and can be left blank.

Name of the optional custom fields which store additional information about the customer.

City, Region, Country

not.copied.fields (info)

Handy Tip

Fields should be standard or a field from nFeed app.

Names of the custom fields which will not be copied to a newly created issue.Date and Time, Call Duration

client.additional.number.fields (info)

Handy Tip

Specify the field of the Phone number type that is used to store an additional phone number.

Names of the fields that may store additional phone numbers of the customer.

Mobile Phone

Общие настройки

client.additional.number.fields - названия полей из заявки, в которых могут быть дополнительные номера клиента, например,  Номер для связи  (разделитель - запятая)


Поля должны быть типа "Номер телефона"


operators.refresh.timeout.minutesTime interval (in minutes) to synchronize the list of call operators and users from the parameter.1


minutesTime interval (in minutes) to check new missed call in the database.1


daysTime period (in days) for pulling missed calls from the database.10


Maximal number of calls shown in the user profile of the call operator.100
phone.number.lengthPossible length of phone numbers. The possible length range is not tolerated.4, 7, 10, 11


Setting Connection Configuration

Open the folder with the unpacked app. Open the file 



Все настройки плагина разделены на 2 категории.

Первая категория - сетевые настройки, необходимы для подключения к серверу Asterisk`a, поднятия собственного websocket-сервера, а также доступа в базу данных, для получения списка пропущенных звонков - хранятся в jar-архиве в файле /conf/connection.xml

Вторая категория - общие настройки, указывается проект саппорта, проект, для хранения клиентов, группа пользователей, являющихся операторам коллцентра, названия полей и т. д. - хранятся в jar-архиве в файле /conf/general.xml

Сетевые настройки - адрес сервера, на котором запущен Asterisk, например, 
asterisk.port - номер порта, на котором работает Asterisk, стандартное значение 5038 
asterisk.login - логин пользователя, для доступа к сервуру Asterisk`a по протоколу AMI, например, jira 
asterisk.password - пароль пользователя, для доступа к сервуру Asterisk`a по протоколу AMI, например, jirasecret 
asterisk.dial.prefix - префикс, для корректного совершения исходящих вызовов


Для корректной работы, у пользователя должны быть права на выполнение комманд originate и core show channels

Полезователь также должен получать события ExtensionStatusEvent и CoreShowChannelEvent

websockets.port - порт, для отправки сообщений плагина по протоколу WebSockets, например,  6090 - адрес сервера с базой пропущенных звонков, 
missed.calls.port - номер порта, на котором работает mysql сервер, стандартное значение 3306 
missed.calls.dbname - название базы данных, в которой хранятся пропущенные звонки, например,  bigdb 
missed.calls.login - имя пользователя, для доступа в базу данных с пропущенными звонками, например,  bigdb 
missed.calls.password - пароль пользователя, для доступа в базу данных с пропущенными звонками, например,  bigdb 



asterisk.hostAddress of the Asterisk Server,
asterisk.portPort to connect to the Asterisk Server.5038
asterisk.loginLogin to authenticate in the Asterisk Server.asterisk-login
asterisk.passwordPassword to authenticate in the Asterisk Server.asterisk-password
asterisk.dial.prefixPrefix for making calls through the Asterisk Server.
websockets.portCommunication port through the WebSockets protocol.6090
missed.calls.hostAddress of the server with the database storing the missed
missed.calls.portPort of the MySQL database storing the missed calls.3306
missed.calls.dbnameName of the database which stores the missed calls.asteriskdb
missed.calls.loginLogin to connect to the database which stores the missed calls.dblogin
missed.calls.passwordPassword to connect to the database which stores the missed calls.dbpassword
cert.file.pathPath to the certificate file (X.509 certificate chain file in


the CRT format.C






Path to the private key (PKCS#8 private key file in the PEM format)








Password for the key.keypass


Address to the server with voicemail recordings. %s will be replaced with the file name.http://








Затем, необходимо в JIRA создать проект с ключом, указанными в support.project.key, пользователя с именем заданным в, кастомное поле типа "Номер телефона" с названием, заданным в, поле с названием, заданным в  client.summary, а также поля с названиями, перечисленными в client.fields

После этого, запаковать плагин и установить в JIRA стандартным способом.


Packing the JAR file

Once you have specified the app configuration in the XML files, you need to pack the app within the archive. Do not apply any compression level to the archive. You may get a file with some other file extension (like, ZIP, RAR, and so on). Just rename the file and change the extension to JAR.

Installation of the App

  1. Open Jira.
  2. Navigate to the Jira administration console.
  3. Select Add-ons.
  4. On the navigational sidebar, select Manage Add-ons.
  5. Click Upload add-on.
  6. Select the JAR file (re-packed).
  7. Click Upload.
  8. Wait until the app installation is complete.

Creating a new project

Create a new project with the key you specified in the support.project.key parameter.

Adding Custom Fields

  1. Go to the Jira administration console.
  2. Select Issues.
  3. Select Custom Fields.
  4. Click Add Custom Field.
  5. In the Select a Field Type form, select Advanced.
  6. Locate and select the Phone number field type.
  7. Image Added
  8. Add the field with the name specified in the parameter.
  9. Save the field.
  10. Configure its display in the project.

You can also add additional phone number fields

Creating User Groups

Create two use groups specified in the and

Creating User Accounts

You need to create accounts of the following types:

  • call operators
  • call operator managers
  • user to search for issues

Managing accounts of call operators

For each call operator account you need to add a property with the SIP number.

  1. Open the call operator account.
  2. Click Actions.
  3. Image Added
  4. Create the property with the name specified in the support.sipproperty parameter.
  5. Enter the SIP number of the call operator.
  6. Image Added
  7. Click Add.
  8. Repeat the same procedure for the left call operator accounts.

Creating an Issue Search Account

You need to create an account which will look up for related issues when a customer calls to you.

Create a user account with the name specified in the parameter. Grant a permission to browse issues in the project.

Installing SIP clients

Install SIP clients for call operators (if they are not installed yet).

Connect SIP clients (of call operators) to the Asterisk server.

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