Page tree

New and fixed in this release:

  1. General:
    • XSS vulnerability in custom message for No table found
    • Endless refresh calls when Jira gadget is inside the macros
  2. Table Filter:
    • No filtration on a hidden column when Free Text Filter is set for the same column in Table Excerpt
    • Two Dimensional Jira Chart filtration improvements
  3. Table Transformer:
    • SyntaxError: Arg string terminates parameters early
  4. Table Spreadsheet: 
    • XSS vulnerabilities in SUM and COUNTIF functions
    • Excel file import improvements
    • Cells referenced in a formula are not highlighted when editing
    • Cell range for formula cannot be selected in the frozen row/column range after non-frozen range is scrolled
    • Cell range for formula cannot be selected beyond the visible part of the sheet if row/column range is frozen
    • The chart on the pivot table sheet is hidden after switching sheets
  5. Table Excerpt Include:
    • Table Excerpt not found on the page having @ in title

  • No labels