Page tree

New in this release:

  1. General:
    • Added alternative short months naming for Chinese localization
  2. Table Spreadsheet: 
    • Optimized saving time for spreadsheets using conditional format 
    • Eliminated colons from the names of existing spreadsheets 
  3. Table Transformer:
    • Optimized AlaSQL scripts download

Fixed in this release:

  1. General:
    • ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint in PDF export
  2. Table Spreadsheet: 
    • IF formula does not work when another formula is used in its arguments
    • Border style... menu is closed when clicking Border color, Border type options 
  3. Table Transformer:
    • DATEDIFF doesn't work with dates in Polish
  4. Chart from Table:
    • The legend color breaks if the table header includes a $ sign
    • Radar Chart legend is not fully visible when the text does not fit into one line

  • No labels