REST API methods are not available in Smart Attachments 2.X+ versions. Please use Java API instead.

These API requests are supported in Smart Attachments 1.16.0 and its newer versions.

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* indicates required

Global parameters passed in each request

These parameters are used globally for all cURL requests.

Username for accessing JIRA instance.
Password for accessing JIRA instance.
Base URL of JIRA instance.

Enabling/Disabling the Add-on for JIRA Project

You can enable or disable Smart Attachments add-on for a specific JIRA project.

The pattern of request looks like this:

curl -D- -u username:password --request POST "JIRA.baseURL/rest/attach-cat/1.0/project/disable" --data "projectKey=KEY&disable=false"

In this request you need to specify the correct values for the following parameters:

Key of the JIRA project which you want to enable or disable the add-on for.

Determines the status of the add-on for the current project. It may take accept two values:

  • true - disables the add-on for the project.
  • false - enables the add-on for the project.

Here you can see an example of the request:

curl -D- -u admin:admin --request POST "" --data "projectKey=SMART&disable=false"

Adding a New Attachment Category in the Project

You can create new attachment categories in the JIRA project. Before doing this, you need to enable the add-on for the current JIRA project.

You can add only one category per request.

The pattern of request looks like this:

curl -D- -u username:password --request POST "JIRA.baseURL/rest/attach-cat/1.0/project/category" --data "projectKey=KEY&name=CategoryName&groups=groupName&users=username&roles=roleId&issueTypes=IssutTypeId"

In this request you need to specify the correct values for the following parameters:

Key of the JIRA project which you want to enable or disable the add-on for.
Name of a new category you want to add.
Groups that will have access to the category with attachments. For the details on how to fetch user groups, please refer to Atlassian documentation.
Usernames of people who will have access to the category with attachments. For the details on how to fetch users, please refer to Atlassian documentation .

ID of project roles that will have access to the category with attachments. For the details on how to fetch ID of project roles, please refer to Atlassian documentation.

ID of the issue type where a specific category is displayed. For the details on how to fetch ID's of issue types, please refer to Atlassian documentation.

Here you can see an example of the request:

curl -D- -u admin:admin --request POST "" --data "projectKey=SMART&name=Documents for Review&issueTypes=10000&issueTypes=10001&issueTypes=10003&groups=jira-administrators&groups=jira-users&users=admin&users=astone&roles=10002&roles=10003"

As a response, you will receive the id of a newly created category.

Updating the Attachment Category in the Project

Please note that the current API request will overwrite the existing configuration with a new one. So if you need to add new values, you need to include old values too.

You can update the existing attachment categories in the JIRA project. Before doing this, you need to enable the add-on for the current JIRA project.

You can update only one category per request.

The pattern of request looks like this:

curl -D- -u username:password --request PUT "JIRA.baseURL/rest/attach-cat/1.0/project/category" --data "projectKey=KEY&catId=categoryId&name=CategoryName&groups=groupName&users=username&roles=roleId&issueTypes=IssutTypeId"

In this request you need to specify the correct values for the following parameters:

Key of the JIRA project which you want to enable or disable the add-on for.
ID of the category in JIRA project you want to update.
Name of a new category you want to add.
Groups that will have access to the category with attachments. For the details on how to fetch user groups, please refer to Atlassian documentation.
Usernames of people who will have access to the category with attachments. For the details on how to fetch users, please refer to Atlassian documentation .

ID of project roles that will have access to the category with attachments. For the details on how to fetch ID of project roles, please refer to Atlassian documentation.

ID of the issue type where a specific category is displayed. For the details on how to fetch ID's of issue types, please refer to Atlassian documentation.

Here you can see an example of the request:

curl -D- -u admin:admin --request PUT "" --data "projectKey=SMART&catId=2&name=Documents for Review&issueTypes=10000&issueTypes=10001&issueTypes=10003&groups=jira-administrators&groups=jira-users&users=admin&users=astone&roles=10002&roles=10003"

As a response, you will receive the id of the edited category.

Fetching attachment categories for the specific project

You can get the list of attachment categories configured for the specific JIRA project.

The pattern of request looks like this:

curl -D- -u username:password --request GET "JIRA.baseUrl/rest/attach-cat/1.0/project/category?projectKey=PROJECT_KEY"

In this request you need to specify the correct value for the following parameter:

Key of the JIRA project which you want to get the list of categories.

Here you can see an example of the request:

curl -D- -u admin:admin --request GET ""

As a response, you will receive the following JSON string:


Deleting the Attachment Category in the Project 

You can delete the attachment categories in the JIRA project. Before doing this, you need to enable the add-on for the current JIRA project and have at least one category for deletion.

You can delete only one category per request.

The pattern of request looks like this:

curl -D- -u username:password --request DELETE "JIRA.baseURL/rest/attach-cat/1.0/project/category" --data "projectKey=KEY&catId=categoryId"

In this request you need to specify the correct values for the following parameters:

Key of the JIRA project which you want to enable or disable the add-on for.
ID of the category in JIRA project you want to delete.

Here you can see an example of the request:

curl -D- -u admin:admin --request DELETE "" --data "projectKey=SMART&catId=2"

No response is returned.

Setting Issue Types for the Category

Please note that the current API request will overwrite the existing configuration with a new one. So if you need to add additional issue types, you need to include ID's of the already used categories.

You can specify the issue types which attachment categories are displayed in.

curl -D- -u username:password --request PUT "JIRA.baseURL/rest/attach-cat/1.0/project/category" --data "projectKey=KEY&catId=categoryId&name=categoryName&issueTypes=issueTypeId&issueTypes=IssutTypeId"

In this request you need to specify the correct values for the following parameters:

Key of the JIRA project which you want to update issue types for showing a specific category in.
ID of the category which you want to update issue types in.
Name of the category which you want to update issue types in.
ID of the issue type where a specific category is displayed. For the details on how to fetch ID's of issue types, please refer to Atlassian documentation.

Here you can see an example of the request:

curl -D- -u admin:admin --request PUT "" --data "projectKey=SMART&catId=2&name=Screenshots&issueTypes=10000&issueTypes=10001&issueTypes=10003"

No response is returned. All the issue types not registered in the project settings are skipped.

Setting Access Restrictions for the Category

Please note that the current API request will overwrite the existing configuration with a new one. You need to include the old values along with the new users, user groups and project roles.

You can specify the issue types which attachment categories are displayed in.

curl -D- -u username:password --request PUT "JIRA.baseURL/rest/attach-cat/1.0/project/category" --data "projectKey=KEY&catId=categoryId&name=categoryName&groups=groupName&users=username&roles=roleId"

In this request you need to specify the correct values for the following parameters:

Key of the JIRA project which you want update issue types for showing a specific category.
ID of the category which you want to update access restrictions for.
Name of the category which you want to access restrictions for.
Groups that will have access to the category with attachments. For the details on how to fetch user groups, please refer to Atlassian documentation.
Usernames of people who will have access to the category with attachments. For the details on how to fetch users, please refer to Atlassian documentation .

ID of Project roles that will have access to the category with attachments. For the details on how to fetch ID of project roles, please refer to Atlassian documentation.

Here you can see an example of the request:

curl -D- -u admin:admin --request PUT "" --data "projectKey=PCE&catId=2&name=Screenshots&groups=jira-administrators&groups=jira-users&users=admin&users=astone&roles=10002&roles=10003"

No response is returned. All the unavailable or non-existing users, user groups and project roles are skipped.