FAQ about Handy Cards
How can I sort my Handy Cards?
You can choose one of the options available to sort Handy Cards - by creation date, by title, or by last modified.
How can I get my cards looking neat on Confluence pages?
Choose the layout for your Handy Cards. You can choose between the fixed number of columns or the fixed column width.
Can I choose several labels to create Handy Cards for pages by labels?
Yes, you can specify one or more page labels to create Handy Cards from pages with these labels.
Can I create Handy Cards for external content?
Yes, you can create Handy Cards for any web address. Use the Handy Cards macro in combination with the Handy Cards Content macro for this. On Confluence Cloud, this functionality is currently unavailable. If you need this functionality, feel free to leave your suggestion in our form or contact us.
Can I exclude a page when creating Handy Cards for child pages?
It depends on the hosting type you use. In Confluence Server and Data Center, Handy Cards will be created for all child pages if you choose this option. But you can create Handy Cards for a certain set of pages creating Handy Cards for pages by labels. In Confluence Cloud, you can select to create cards from child pages with a certain label only.
Can I change the style of Handy Cards in my Confluence instance (their color, text color, or orientation)?
It depends on the hosting type you use. In Confluence Server and Data Center, Handy Cards color and orientation can't be modified via the macro settings. If you need this functionality, feel free to leave your suggestion in our form or contact us. In Confluence Cloud, you can customize the cards look and feel on the Design tab.
Can I use labels with hyphens for source pages?
Yes, you can use any labels. However, please note that our app will collect all pages regardless symbols after the hyphen (i.e., label "my-label" will also collect pages with "my-label-abc" or "my-label-123"). This behavior is caused by the Confluence search limitation.
Can I create an unlimited number of cards for the specified parameters in Confluence Cloud?
The maximum number of cards to display is 50. For large page sets, to display specific cards only, you can select to create cards from child pages with a certain label. If you need functionality to display more cards, feel free to leave your suggestion in our form or contact us.
Need more?
- How can I sort my Handy Cards?
- How can I get my cards looking neat on Confluence pages?
- Can I choose several labels to create Handy Cards for pages by labels?
- Can I create Handy Cards for external content?
- Can I exclude a page when creating Handy Cards for child pages?
- Can I change the style of Handy Cards in my Confluence instance (their color, text color, or orientation)?
- Can I use labels with hyphens for source pages?
- Can I create an unlimited number of cards for the specified parameters in Confluence Cloud?
- Need more?