The Permission issue (App user lacks permissions) error is shown when the app user called izi - LMS for Confluence lacks View & Add Pages permissions in this space.

Steps to troubleshoot (for space admin)

  • Go to Space Settings > Space permissions.
  • Edit space permissions and give izi - LMS for Confluence (app user) permission called
    • All > View
    • Pages (Pages, whiteboards, and databases) > Add

Why this permission is needed?

  •  izi - LMS for Confluence is a technical user of izi LMS. It requires access to courses and quizzes in order to display the content to participants and provide creators with learning management capabilities.
  • Course and quiz pages should remain restricted. They are only for creators and their co-authors. Participants must not get access to course/quiz page. Users who are taking a course/quiz can view the content without access to course/quiz pages. The content is shown to participants using the access of creators.

If nothing helped, please reach out to izi LMS Support.